Message in “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King

“I Have a Dream” is one of the most famous and frequently cited public speeches of modern times. It was conveyed by a remarkable orator and activist, Martin Luther King, who became an icon and a prominent leader in the struggle against discrimination in the United States and across the...

“The Blue Zones of Happiness” by Dan Buettner

The video “The Blue Zones of Happiness” shows a lecture read by an American explorer, Dan Buettner. Being a National Geographic Fellow and public speaker, he is the founder of the so-called “Blue Zones.” These zones are the areas where the average life expectancy is much higher than in other...

Bean-Coin: Currency and Commerce

The suggested currency is called “Bean-coin” and it is a currency for vegan website activity. It is backed by the commodity such as ready meals sold by the website. The website awards users with a certain amount of currency for substantive activity such as posting, sharing, and commenting on posts...

Voters’ Characteristics in Presidential Elections

The characteristics of voters involved in the presidential election campaigns are an essential criterion for determining such indicators as prevailing age and race characteristics. Based on the review of the official data provided by the United States Census Bureau (2018), in the recent 2016 elections, older adults made up the...

The Concept of Internet Memes

This picture illustrates the concept of detournement by rearranging the elements of meaning. What the sign essentially meant was to ban smoking from a gas station because it might cause major damage to self and others around. The updated version of it shifts the meaning from a simple warning to...

Fourth Amendment Violation: Mitchell v. Wisconsin

Cases of unreasonable searches made by the representatives of the law entail serious litigation since the violation of the Fourth Amendment on the right to uninterested and warranted data collection might be proven. As an example for analysis, the case Mitchell v. Wisconsin (2019) will be reviewed. The critical problem...

Symbol in “The Lottery” Story by Shirley Jackson

Introduction The idea of society is conditioned to violence is established immediately in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery.” To represent the concepts of violence and murder, stones are used and mentioned numerous times throughout the story. By using stones as the symbol of violence in “The Lottery,” Shirley Jackson represents the...

How South Africa Is Developing a Democracy

The process of building democracy is defined not by political statements but by the change in people’s perception of political relationships. While South Africa has been known as a state with an ostensibly democratic regime for nearly a quarter of a century, yet its current state of political freedom raises...

The Trudeau Brownface Scandal in Molly Roberts’ Opinion

The boundaries of what is acceptable and what is not are changing fast, so for many people today, scandals like the one involving Canadian PM are not shocking anymore. The stories of people who did something in the past, which is highly unacceptable today, keep on occupying the news. However,...

Adolescent Thinking and Behavior: Good and Bad

Introduction Specific brain changes that are observed in adolescents include the development of synaptic pruning and axon and myelination growth. As a result, the number of neurons used for effective brain functioning decreases, but useful synaptic connections become stronger because of the growth of myelin in nerve cells (“Inside the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Condemnation & Violence in Jackson’s “The Lottery”

Introduction The concept of capital punishment is a highly controversial and widely discussed subject. The article discusses the topics of atavism, arbitrary condemnation, and sanctioned violence. The author makes an attempt to argue that capital punishment can be abused in someone’s interest because the victim will no longer have a...

“Quiz Show” Docudrama by Robert Redford

Introduction A 90s classic Quiz Show produced and directed by Robert Redford examines the moral boundaries of a person on their way to becoming famous. The storyline of the movie revolves around the Twenty-One quiz show scandals that took place in the 1950s. Back then, after observing plummeting TV ratings,...

“A Train Near Magdeburg” Novel by Matthew Rozell

A Train Near Magdeburg is a historical novel that documents the story of American soldiers liberating Jewish people trapped on a train that had recently departed from the concentration camp. The book was written by Matthew Rozell, who is a History teacher in the United States. The book was born...

Blockchain Technology and Cybersecurity

In the age of the Internet, many companies, banks, and government organizations migrate their financial and economic assets into the web in order to improve the speed, efficiency, and ease of operations. At the same time, the accessibility of the systems by users and customers also suggests increased security risks...

Google’s Emerging Web Technologies

The use of applications is an inherent part of one’s everyday smartphone experience. People play games, shop, and complete banking operations using apps, and their quality of speed determines the comfort of users and their desire to open the application again. Thus, it is beneficial for businesses to develop websites...

August Wilson’s “Fences” Play on the Theater Stage

Introduction The play Fences, by August Wilson addresses us to Troy, who has to struggle for providing for his family. Two great actors, Denzel Washington and James Earl Jones showed the character of the protagonist and his relationship with a son in two different ways. As a result, the effect...

The Millennial Generation in America

An older generation disapproving of the younger generation is a common phenomenon, and the tension between Baby Boomers and Millennials is not an exception. For all the criticism that Millennials have been bombarded with through media, my take is that this generation can actually do more good than bad. First,...

Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude in North America

The first Europeans settled in North America began to buy Africans in order to provide farm labor. Such individuals or plantation owners treated them as servants. However, the enactment of different slave laws resulted in a new era of institutionalized and legalized slavery in this region. Such policies also required...

Software Piracy at Kaspersky Cybersecurity Company

Software piracy is an urgent contemporary problem that manifests itself both locally in relation to an individual organization and globally when the digital community is forced to take measures to protect licensed products. IT heads have to resort to special software protection technologies and spend extra money. According to Rasch...

Free College Education: Arguments in Support

Introduction Despite the growing body of opposing views regarding the necessity of college education for advancing in life as professionals, community colleges remain one of the most critical parts of the nation’s system of education. However, it is notable that many college students enrolled in 4-year education are unprepared or...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cloud Storage Solution for a Company’s Data

This paper will use a fictitious scenario and portray the author as a software developer who works on various projects as a part of a team. Their company, which is small in size, requires a data storage solution due to increases in the size and complexity of the information processed...

European Exploration and Effects on Native Americans

After the end of the fourteenth century, many European world powers began to explore and discover new regions. This practice became a critical factor and redefined the culture and history of Europe forever. Several motivators made it possible for such powers to focus on the Americas. The first one was...

Monarchism Ideology Benefiting the Public Good

The ideology of monarchism refers to the advocacy for monarchical rule. A monarchist is a person that supports the form of government in which one person is the head of the state who sits on a throne and occupies the central ruling position over a country. Being one of the...

Socialism Ideology Benefiting the Public Good

Under the ideology of socialism, a ruling class of social planners, intellectuals, and bureaucrats decides what is right for people and what they want. The coercive power of the state is then used for regulating, redistributing, and taxing the wealth of individuals who work to sustain their living. In many...

English Composition II: Course Overview

Main Objectives and Benefits for Students English Composition II represents a middle step between Composition I and students’ professional writing. In this course, students are to “develop rhetorical skills for informed inquiry” (”English Composition I and II”). That is why English Composition II involves several aspects, such as writing, critical...

Law: Blowing the Whistle Without Blowing Your Career

Introduction It is a human ethical duty to report unlawful activities in the workplace once discovered. While remuneration, stability, and social status are what drives the majority of us careerwise, one should not put their judgment and morals aside for the sake of keeping their job. Every human being has...

Perrault’s and Brothers Grimm’s “Little Red Hood”

Introduction The timeless old tale of a little girl who goes to her grandmother and meets a wolf has undergone several changes. They were in accordance with the authors’ social stance and what was politically acceptable in their place of living. Perhaps one of the oldest variations of the fairytale,...

Hope’s Article on Treatment of the Roman War Dead

The article by Hope describes the perception of death during the era of the Roman battles, as well as controversial nuances in relation to this issue. According to the author, the concept of dichotomy may be applied when soldiers and civilians followed two types of behavior regarding funeral ceremonies and...

Doctor Pepper Ten Commercials and Recommendations

Dr. Pepper Ten commercials focus on masculinity trying to convince the viewer that it is masculine to drink diet soda. The traditional picture of a “real” man in the US society as a meat-eater, living in the wild, fighting dangers of life in the wild, wearing a beard (Johansson 28)....

Dove Chooses Beautiful Campaign and Recommendations

Dove Chooses Beautiful campaign is focused on female body image and body acceptance, which are significant issues in contemporary society. The slogan “Choose Beautiful” encourages women to let go of their insecurities about appearance and feel beautiful in the body that they have now. Thus, Dove’s campaign reflects the value...

Black-ish TV Show and Recommendations

Black-ish is an American TV show about an upper-middle-class black family living in a predominantly white community. The key cultural values of the American society that are reflected in the show are individualism and multiculturalism. Firstly, individualism is a critical notion in the United States, where each person is encouraged...

The Upper Class in Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest”

The play portrays the upper class in a highly interesting and realistic fashion, which enables the readers to understand the struggles the wealthy people can possess. The work of Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, begins its story in the capital of England, in the living space of Algernon...

Caregiving and Loss: Intervention Strategies

Strong emotional distress resulting from loss and grief frequently becomes a part of the caregiving experience. This paper will provide an analysis of grief-related issues facilitating or complicating the loss, as well as effective intervention strategies to assist caregivers. Also, the phenomenon of reciprocal suffering of caregivers will be considered....

Fiction Elements in Russell’s “The Bog Girl”

The story under discussion is “The Bog Girl” by Karen Russell. It revolves around the bog girl found by a boy. She becomes the major concern of the whole text as it represents a certain kind of non-personality that can be used for various purposes. These might include the desired...

Special Interest Groups as a Threat to Democracy

Are special interest groups a threat to democracy? Yes, they are, because various interest groups that are in a more favorable financial situation have more chances of being heard than those who do not have much money to spare. This creates a space for corruption and promotion of specific economic...

Spiritual Suicide from the Religious Perspective

Suicide is a highly controversial issue that requires special attention of society. Significant efforts have been put on a global scale into the research of this grave phenomenon and the development of the prevention programs. In this section, suicide and its implications will be regarded from the religious perspective. The...

Religion & Hypocrisy: “The Summoning of Everyman”

Introduction The Summoning of Everyman is a medieval morality play that is more often referred to as Everyman. When called by Death, Everyman cannot persuade anyone, Beauty, Kindred, or Worldly Goods, to go with him. Only Good Deeds agree to accompany Everyman to his grave. The present paper discusses the...

Joe Biden’s Public Speaking Skills Critique

Delivery of Information The candidates participating in the presidential debates presented some informative speeches. In this paper, the speaking skills of Joe Biden will be analyzed and critiqued in compliance with such aspects as delivery, organization, and confidence. As for the quality of information delivery, the speaker showed competence in...

“Get Out” Movie: Genre, Medium, and Pathos

The movie Get Out is an exciting illustration of interracial interactions combined with pseudoscientific forces, such as the transfer of consciousness. Its director Jordan Peele is well-known for his satiric and comedic approach. However, he is also outstanding in giving the films a horror mood, where he does not apply...

Visualizing the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Mid-Atlantic Ridge Scrutinizing the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from the perspective of the Continental Drift Theory (CDT), one will understand the nature of the object and the processes that take place within it. If the entire mass of water is drained from the Earth, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge as a divergent plate boundary...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aviation Shortages: Problem Statement and Methodology

Problem Statement The world’s growing population and availability of plane trips mean more air travel consumption (Abdullah, Chew, & Hamid, 2016). Impending shortages might impede the industry from meeting consumers’ needs. It is well-known that the aviation industry lacks workplace diversity: out of all pilots, technicians, and cabin crew, only...

Rhetoric of Ali Siddiq’s ‘Prison Riot’ Standup

The purpose of comedy is to tell an entertaining story rather than a reliable one. However, it is still essential that the narration retains credibility so that the audience may feel emotional investment, as the story loses the essential sense of there being something to lose otherwise. Using various rhetorical...

Obesity in School-Aged Children as a Social Burden

Obesity rates in school-aged children continue growing and influencing their development. In addition to personal concerns and social judgments, overweight and obese children are at risk for long-term health consequences, including cardiovascular problems, metabolic changes, and additional comorbidities (Karp & Gessell, 2015). Today, it is not enough to recognize and...

Humanities: Impressionism and Surrealism

Impressionism and Surrealism emerged at different times. The term “Impressionism” was created in 1974 (Davies 871), and 1924 was the year when surrealists proclaimed their manifesto (Bishop 396). Their influences, key ideas, and techniques were also reasonably different. However, both these art movements were built around the idea of expressing...

Ableism and Student Segregation in Georgia Schools

The US Department of Justice’s investigation showed that the state of Georgia was illegally segregating students with disabilities. This problem was present for a long time, as it led to at least one case of suicide among children ten years ago (RBS NewsHour, 2015). The student was kept in a...

Homo Floresiensis and Human Evolution Models

Homo florensis were discovered recently as a new hominid species and provided some new evidence for the three models of human origins – Out-of-Africa, the Multiregional, and the Assimilation theories. According to Whitehouse (2018), Homo florensis were found on the island of Flores in Indonesia. The main characteristic that differs...

Airplane Modeling as a Leisure Activity

The number of hobbies in which one can become engaged is countless. Starting with the simplest pastimes and ending with extremely complicated ones, any person has ample opportunities to choose from and spend their free time with pleasure. Building models, including cars, trains, and boats, has become not only an...

Population, Urbanization, and Environment

Urbanization is a significant factor that affects the environment in a negative way. Expansions of cities, towns, and villages often come at the cost of rivers being polluted, woods and trees chopped down, and animals being driven out of their natural habitats. The boom of urbanization came during the second...

Near-Death Experiences and Life Understanding

Death is a resonating topic in modern culture and the main source of people’s fears. Humans have been reflecting on mortality for millennia, and this practice plays a big role in religion. Studies of near-death experience contribute to the discussion, by taking a look at individuals who were at some...

Bill Moyers Journal: Interview with Wendell Potter

One of the most convincing things in the film in question is Wendell Potter’s emotional condition when he speaks about the case of Nataline Sarkisyan. The teenager died in 2007 because of bureaucratic hurdles and the inability to get the required liver transplant (Diego). That year, Potter was the representative...

Transgender Community and Heterosexism in Language

Newspapers started to report stories of individuals who changed their gender identities and concealed their birth sex approximately since the middle of the 19th century. According to McCauley (2016), those stories were primarily about women who tried to “pass” as men rather than about men who assumed female identities. At...

“Get Out” Movie’s Rhetorical Analysis

I have selected the movie Get Out because it is an entertaining horror movie from the comedian and producer Jordan Peele. The film brings up the topics of race and interracial interactions. The give rhetorical analysis is aimed to identify the methodologies, which are used in the Get Out to...

Death Before and After Urbanization

The theme of death is among the most popular topics in modern culture, and it resonates with many people. The fear of dying is sitting deeply in the minds of individuals in western civilizations, but there are substantial cross-cultural differences that can be found in the way people from different...

Revolution Roots: Political Action and Philosophy

Introduction Revolution is a complex phenomenon, and it usually leads to changes in political regimes and values in society (Ritter, 2015). Thus, one of its essential elements is the fact that the leader has to fall or be replaced (Ritter, 2015). The idea of this social phenomenon combines the features...

Virtue Ethics: Altering Testimony on Global Warming

Headlines such as this affect my perception of politicians because they reflect the reality of a bureaucratic state in the US. Eilperin (2008) discussed an important issue of censorship in regards to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention testimony on global warming. The author stated that the remarks cited...

Industrialization, Legal System, and Imperialism

Three key developments of industrialization associated with such fields as the science, economy, and law are the manufacturing industry, the shift to the economy based on the large-scale industry, and the labor law. In science, the development of new machines appropriate for manufacturing allowed for focusing on the progress of...

The Author’s Personal Experience

Tanya Maria Barrientos starts her essay with an anecdote to make her writing more credible, emotional, and appealing. Clearly, the use of the first-hand experience always makes it seem more credible as people tend to believe personal accounts rather than anonymous stories. Apart from making people believe her, Barrientos uses...

Unemployment Rates in the US

The state of the American economy is getting closer to full employment, whereas the unemployment rates (as of 2017) remain to be approximately 4.4%. The current unemployment rates are one of the lowest if compared to other unemployment rates of the 2000s. They do not seem to be growing; therefore,...

Information Literacy: Peer-Reviewing Process Steps

Important points in the peer review cycle Every scientific journal or publishing company typically has its own guidelines for the peer-reviewing process. Wiley’s peer-reviewing cycle is comprised of ten steps (“The peer review process,” n.d.): Submission of the paper, editorial office assessment, appraisal by editor-in-chief, associate editor assignment, reviewer invitation,...

Reason and Revelation: Mendelssohn vs. Ascher

Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) combined the notions of rationalism and revelation. This approach underlined the distinctness of Judaism as a religion as well as emphasized the belief that the Jewish population was the people chosen by God. Thus, while the idea of revelation has no supernatural background, it involves a prescription...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Nature in Luther’s and Wesley’s Views

John Wesley’s (1703-1791) understanding of the relationship between the nature of a man and God directly relates to the concept of salvation. He can be responsible for the ‘revolution’ in the Christian faith. According to him, every human was born with a piece of Christ in himself rather than with...

Great Depression and World War II for Americans

The Great Depression is one of the greatest upheavals that affected the global economy for around 10 years. The Americans encountered numerous problems during the period. The first problem was unemployment and lack of opportunities. The country’s unemployment rate increased to 25 percent in 1933 (Smethurst 5). The people had...

Japanese Internment Camps in American History

The term “Japanese internment camps” refers to the ten centers created to incarcerate many Japanese Americans in 1942. The camps were established following the Executive Order 9066 signed by President Franklin Roosevelt. The camps were in Arizona, Idaho, California, Utah, Colorado, Arkansas, and Wyoming (Nicholas and Scherbina 282). The targeted...

Early Civil Rights Movement and Its Goals

The Civil Rights Movement encompasses the actions and strategies used by different groups in the United States between 1954 and 1968 (Smethurst 6). The pioneers of the movement had outlined three goals from the very beginning. These early objectives included the need to end racial inequality and segregation in the...

Subculture and Employment in Sociological Theories

Hypothesis Prominent representatives of subcultures are less likely to be hired for a top-paying job than the general citizens. Independent Variable (Sub)cultural affiliation – are you a prominent representative of any subculture different from the dominant culture of your community? Response categories are yes or no. Dependent Variable Job –...

Joining Gangs Explained by Sociological Theories

Hypothesis The population of the inner city is likely to join gangs. Independent Variable The inner city – where do you live? Response categories are the inner city or other suburbs. Dependent Variable Joining gangs – are you a representative of any gang? Response categories are yes or no. Structural...

Sociological Theories: Education and Work Abroad

Hypothesis Individuals with higher education levels prefer working in a foreign country. Independent Variable The level of education: What is your level of education? The response categories are primary, secondary, diploma, bachelors, masters, and doctorate levels Dependent Variable Preference to work in a foreign country: Do you prefer working in...

Sociology: Economic Level and Drinking Culture

Hypothesis People at the lower economic level are likely to be binge drinkers. Independent Variable The economic level: What economic level describes your living standard? The response categories are lower, medium, and higher economic levels. Dependent Variable Drinking behavior: Do you consume alcohol heavily? The categories of responses to heavy...

Sumo Salad Retail Chain’s Marketing Mix

The target market for take-home single serving salad tubs will be concentrated (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2011), for it will target mainly one segment of the market – single individuals (although it might be possible to state that the target market is multi-segment, for the set of single persons is...

Diversity Psychology: Foreign Language and Cognition

Language is a unique tool that helps people to investigate a surrounding reality and express their feelings, emotions, and attitudes. At the same time, it apparently impacts the environment as a person sees the world through the prism of his/her mother language (Mio, Barker, & Rodriquez, 2015). It has formed...

Aggression, Its Conditions and Coping Methods

The frustration-aggression hypothesis There is a hypothesis that aggression is conditioned by frustration from some situations. Suggested by Freud, it was further developed by other scholars (Burger, 2015). This hypothesis states that “aggression is always a consequence of frustration … that the occurrence of aggressive behavior always presupposes the existence...

APA Citation Style in Academic Medical Writing

The APA Citation Style APA has a considerable learning value as it shows students how papers must be structured, what vocabulary is preferable for each type of work, and how grammar can help express ideas in the most effective way. Furthermore, it teaches an objective language, making it possible to...

Object Relations Theory and Nature-Nurture Debate

Object relations theory, although having some variations, focuses on the significance of early childhood experiences in a person’s adult life. It concentrates on the relations of a child with the most important people, mainly parents. Moreover, object relations theorists claim that “the child develops an unconscious representation of significant objects...

APA Style and Direct Citation of Medical Articles

The APA Style APA is used mostly for quantitative results and allows describing experiments with accuracy and precision. The first reason to use it is uniformity of style that helps researchers select the key findings of articles dispensing minor points. This happens due to the fact that APA gives clear...

Psychology: Anxiety Coping Strategies

Burger (2015) singles out three types of strategies that can be useful in coping with anxiety such as problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance strategies. Problem-focused strategies are aimed at managing the problem and thus overcoming anxiety. These strategies usually include careful study of the problem, making a plan of action, considering...

Indigenous Identity: Ayala, Mariátegui and Menchú

It could hardly be doubted that indigenous identities represent a highly important area of concern in social studies. The way people understand themselves, the world around them, and social relations within the society are considerably affected by their cultural background. This statement is especially relevant to indigenous people, whose social,...

Authoritarian Versus Totalitarian Autocracy

To begin with, it is necessary to state that both totalitarian and authoritarian regimes might seem to be the same at first. Nevertheless, there are some minor differences that can be seen only after an intensive course of studying these systems (Stewart, Klein, Scmitz, & Schröder, 2016). In general, the...

Industrial Revolution’s Input to Economic Growth

The United Kingdom is the greatest example of how industrial revolution impacted the country’s economic growth. It is a well-known fact that the building of various factories and manufacturing stations on the island started back in the 1830’s. Since then, the UK was one of the greatest economies in the...

Pollution Impact on the Environment

Pollution remains one of the most tremendous problems in the world at the present moment. Scholars claim that various gases and toxic substances that are constantly released by a number of factories all over the planet might lead to the problem of global warming (Victor, 2018). It appears that all...

Arab Influence on Western Society in Middle Ages

All the popular Arab countries in the modern world were known as the Islamic Empire back in the Middle Ages. It is necessary to state that the culture and inhabitants of the Empire’s territories made a tremendous impact on the development of the entire world that started off in medieval...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Peter Drucker’s Management Consultancy

One of the most important pieces of advice is to try and make one practical decision instead of several potentially effective ones. People are constantly faced with various obstacles, choices, and incidents that require decisions. Sometimes it might be overwhelming and disorganized (Collins, 2016). However, successful individuals know how to...

Elderly People Proportion and Its Societal Impact

It is a well-known fact that one of the main reasons for the demographical crisis in any country is its aging population. To begin with, it would be proper to state that young people might not have any chances to receive worthy jobs after graduation as all the best positions...

Moro Conflict in Mindanao: Why Men Rebel

The history of the conflict in the Philippines has a long history and is a problem both for local authorities and the inhabitants of the islands themselves. The news article by Garrie talks about the discussion of this urgent topic by the country’s president and the possibility of signing a...

Identity in Latin America: Sarmiento, Martí and Ortiz

This paper aims to investigate the position of three different authors on the problem of identity in Latin America. The issue of social and cultural identity is of immense importance for nearly any individual in the majority of countries. It is evident that if people do not find ways to...

Moro Conflict in Mindanao: In Pursuit of Federalism

The resolution of the conflict in the Philippines is an actual topic of discussion. Placido considers this issue from the point of view of the desire for federalism and the authorities’ position regarding this problem. The fight against Islamic extremists is also discussed in this news article. Studies on the...

Moro Conflict in Mindanao: Road to Peace

The road to peace among Muslims and other inhabitants of the Philippines is a long one and has no end. CNN Philippines Staff gives the chronology of the conflict in the country and mentions the most significant events that have occurred during the civil war. The period of the past...

Adler’s Children: Individual Psychology Theory

After birth, children start to make assumptions about their surrounding environments. A child’s position in a given family will dictate his or her developmental process. It is also notable that children will develop unique personalities based on a number of motivations, observations, and experiences. That being the case, parents have...

Short Attention Span as a Time Management Issue

The greatest challenges with time management I think that my biggest time management problem is my short attention span. Differently put, I tend to get distracted very easily. Also, I am surrounded by a multitude of potential distractions at any given time. Such distractions can be represented by other people,...

Academic Integrity Tutorial on Plagiarism

Plagiarism example mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial mentions several different examples of plagiarism. This is done in order to familiarize students with the potential ways to make a mistake and lose points for assignments. According to the Integrity Tutorial, all the information found in...

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment

The primary purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the results of self-assessment, which is based on the conceptual framework developed by the National Center for Cultural Competence. The form for the self-assessment task is retrieved from the Center’s website, and it is entitled The Cultural Competence and Linguistic...

Japanese Cultural Rites and Customs in American Context

It is evident that even though people from various countries share some universal values, there are some aspects of cultural background that differ significantly from culture to culture. Therefore, it is of high importance to explore and investigate these peculiarities to obtain a more profound understanding of how other cultures...

Authoritative Parenting in Comparison to Other Styles

There are four parenting styles, including authoritative, permissive, neglectful, and authoritarian. The authoritarian parents are sure that the feelings of their child do not matter as these are trifles, which they should not pay attention to. As a rule, they show a child that negative emotions are experienced only by...

Peer-Reviewed Information for Academic Studies

Peer-reviewed journals are central channels of information for any research project. It is explained by the fact that all pieces of data presented in this type of sources can be used in diverse studies to create a theoretical background for the investigation. It is archived due to a complex peer...

Peter Drucker’s Management Lessons

One of the major Drucker’s principles is if something can be measured, it can be managed. However, one may inquire how can time be managed if cannot be precisely measured. This problem inspired the author to keep a spreadsheet to count the number of creative hours each day (Collins, 2016)....

Academic Peer-Reviewed Sources for Research

I think that the most important aspects of any peer review cycle are double-blind review and plagiarism check. The first point guarantees the objectivity of the papers evaluation and relevance of its findings (“What is peer review?” n.d.). At the same time, the second element is fundamental for any research...

Multitasking as a Personal Time Management Issue

What are your greatest challenges with time management? Throughout the time of being a student, I have had many incidences where I needed to analyze my time management skills. Just like most people, I found out that I tend to spend time ineffectively sometimes which leads to delays that slow...

Information Literacy: Peer-Reviewing Process Cycle

Peer reviewing is an essential part of the scientific publishing process. It is necessary in order to ensure the accuracy and quality of information presented in the peer-reviewed article. The peer-review cycle is comprised of four points, which are as follows (Fernandez, 2012): Writing and submitting an article for review...

Plagiarism: Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial

What is one example of plagiarism that was mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial? One of the examples of plagiarism mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial was the word-for-word copying of passages from an original source without using quotation marks and providing credit to the author. This practice...

Marketing Strategy and System

Introduction A marketing system is brought about by the interaction of people (Kotter, 1980). A marketing system can have adverse effects on people (Armstrong, 1987). Marketing has improved customer satisfaction, quality of life, and the consumption of goods in several countries (Steward, 1973). In order to reduce the adverse effects...

INA Corp.’s Acquisition in Islamic Republic of Iran

Facts A company that is an affiliate of the INA Corporation acquired a significant ownership of an Iranian insurance company. It acquired 20 percent ownership in shares of Bimek Shargh and the process got approval from the Iranian insurance authority. This transaction was made in 1977 when the company paid...

Fair Trade: Japan – Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages

Facts The World Trade Organization indicted Japan for what it described as a violation of the internal taxation and regulations as stipulated in the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 1994. Japan had pledged to synchronize the Liquor Tax Law to comply with the World Trade Organization’s requirements. The World...

Research Grants and Programs for Students

There are many different ways on how to encourage people and make them believe in their knowledge and skills. If a person does not want to say something, other people try to provoke him/her. If a person does not want to study, the representatives of an academic staff introduce some...

Communication During Student Life in College

Many students are eager to find out an answer to the question of how to improve their life in college. There are so many interesting ways on how to make almost every day of your college life better and more interesting, and one of them is properly developed communication with...

College Financial Aid Application: Myths and Truth

The government spares billions (and this is not an exaggeration) of dollars every year to help those families who are unable to pay for their child’s college. However, not everyone who needs this help applies to it because there are several financial aid myths that people easily believe. Here are...

Inequality in Developing States and Its Measures

According to Nobel Prize winner Simon Kuznets, inequality in developing countries is a temporal phenomenon (qt. in Chang 387). The hypothesis proposed by the economist stated that as the economy develops, a country experiences an increase of inequality followed by its decrease. He has argued that a period of transition...

“Division of Labor” for Social Scientists

It is necessary to realize that social scientists are often presented with extremely difficult and intransigent problems. Just like any other branch of science, social science has had to use the division of labor approach in order to reduce the complexity of some issues by dividing them into parts. It...

Dubai’s Economic Growth and Laziness of Poor

The unprecedented growth of Dubai’s economy started in the 1970s and coincided with the significant increase in oil prices (Sargisson 76). However, the growth of the city’s economy was not a result of the oil boom per se. Even though the revenues from the sale of oil resources helped Dubai...

Bretton Woods System, Its Pros and Cons

Bretton Woods or adjustable pegged system can be described as a “semi-fixed exchange rates system” (Carbaugh 460) that has allowed tying different currencies to each other thereby facilitating interracial financial transactions. The main advantage of the adjustable pegged system is the elimination of uncertainty and risk related to fluctuations in...

Migration Flows and Their Socio-Economic Impact

The deepening of globalization is associated with an ever-increasing level of international migration (Artal-Tur et al. 8). In order to better understand the implication of the phenomenon, it is necessary to explore it from the demographic, social, and economic points of view. One should understand that migration is a powerful...

Generations’ Traits: From Baby Boomers to Gen Z

The social environment in the formative years of growth developed unequaled characters for each generation. The differences range from natural things like an age to beliefs regarding work, family values, roles, and aspirations. There is no commonly agreed on dates when each generation began but there are only estimates. Baby...

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Learning style can be defined as a set of unique and specific approaches employed by individuals during the process of studying. According to education theory scholars, there is a correlation between using a particular learning style and school performance (Samarakoon, Fernando, Rodrigo, & Rajapakse, 2013). Based on individual preferences for...

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Data Coding in Statistical Software

Data coding is of paramount importance if a proper analysis of this data is to be carried out. In particular, data coding plays a critical role when it is needed to use statistical software in order to process the data. Because of this, it is crucial to properly code the...

Syntax Code Writing in Statistical Software

It is clear that conducting an analysis of quantitative data using the IBM SPSS software package often requires performing numerous operations so as to compute the statistics for the given data, produce various types of data representation such as histograms, graphs, and scatter plots, conduct transformations of the data, or...

Crusades and Western Europe-Eurasia Relationship

The first Crusade has various effects on the development of the world. It gave significant stimuli to the development of trade and the interaction of cultures. Of course, it led to the development of prejudice and hostility as well. One of the most important consequences of the crusade was the...

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Split Variables in IBM SPSS Statistical Software

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Sociology: Economic Class and Health Insurance

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Are African Americans More Harassed by Police?

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Behaviorism and Cognitivism in Nursing Curriculum

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Human Evolution. “Neanderthals on Trial” Documentary

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder experience higher levels of anxiety every day, even if stressful situations are not present (Sue, Sue, Sue, & Sue, 2013). The disorder is usually accompanied by psychological and physical symptoms that can vary (insomnia, loss of consternation, tension, etc.) To diagnose the patient with GAD,...

Holmes & Rahe Stress Inventory and Management

The Holmes and Rahe rating scale was developed to measure the amount of (long-term and short-term) stress in an individual’s life. My results are as follows: 38 – major change in financial state; 36 – changing to a different line of work; 29 – major change in responsibilities at work;...

Policy Analysis Versus Comprehensive Planning

Policy analysis refers to the process of evaluating the technical implications of options or solutions proposed for solving certain public problems (Bardach, 2009). This process comprises two main activities, evaluation of proposed policies or programs and evaluation of the analysis outcomes. To conduct this analysis, analysts use qualitative and quantitative...

“Henry IV, Part 1” Play by William Shakespeare

Introduction “Henry IV” is the most popular of William Shakespeare’s plays. “Henry IV, part 1” was acted in 1597 and 1598. The play is set up in London, where it began at the palace, where King Henry IV addressed his council about the civil war in England. In “Henry IV,...

Environmental Planning Models by Hostovsky

Hostovsky’s models of environmental planning include the rational comprehensive model (RCM), the advocacy model, the adaptive model, the participatory model, and the incremental model (Hostovsky, 2000). RCM is mainly used in waste planning because it is the most common model used by planners to optimize the location of facilities (Hostovsky,...

Land Use, Zoning, and Environmental Quality Review

Land Use, Zoning, and CEQR Land use refers to the management and utilization of land to produce, change or maintain its natural state and includes aspects such as zoning, city planning, agricultural development, and public regulation (Burke, 2009). On the other hand, zoning refers to the process of determining how...

Ethics for Policy Planners and Analysts

Ethics and its types Ethics refers to the process through which people determine what is right and wrong (Dunn, 2015). Also, it comprises the actions that stem from the conclusions made regarding right and wrong. Ethics is a vital aspect of all professions, including planning and analysis. Each profession has...

Nursing Professionalism and Innovations

General Plan In the modern realm of the globalized environment, a nurse must focus on meeting the needs of an extremely diverse population. Therefore, a consistent acquisition of new skills and information about the needs of people belonging to specific cultures will be a necessity. Furthermore, unceasing improvement of nursing...

Constructive Criticism in Public Administration

I was quite negative about any type of criticism as I did not want to hurt people’s feelings. I often felt uneasy when heard some criticism concerning my actions, behavior, ideas and so on. However, I have acknowledged the benefits of constructive criticism. In my studies, I find it rather...

”50 Ways to Keep Your Co-Teacher” by Murawski & Dieker

This article identifies and discusses 50 strategies that can be used to retain co-teachers. It is based on the idea that co-teachers do not stick around for long periods because they leave due to disagreements with their colleagues. This article presents 50 strategies explored in different literature sources regarding effective...

Human Resource Planning and Return on Investment

There are many processes any organization has to consider when it tries to identify the goals and achieve them in a required period. Human resources planning is one of such processes. It is a kind of link that exists between HR management and strategic planning. People can use this process...

Estimation Games in Project Management

The controversy regarding estimations is quite notorious in the contemporary business world, yet it is practically unavoidable as long as companies are willing to give their employees credit as intelligent people. As an article by Thomsett (2013) explains, “In the past, the inaccurate estimates of I.T. people were seen more...

Employment Strategies in Developed and Developing Economies

The rapid changes in the labor market in both developing and developed economies have made employers think about how to adopt sustainable strategies that can assist them to remain relevant in the global and dynamic market. Advanced economies such as the US, Japan, and the UK are expected to experience...

Netflix Inc.’s Short-Term Debt Strategy

Even though investors may view the aspect of no-long-term debt as not beneficial, for a company like Netflix, short-term debt gives the positive public perceptions of its financial health. In reviewing the growth that the company has witnessed since 1999, Netflix has been able to carry out less leveraging. This...

“My Mother’s Strange Definition of Empowerment” TED Talk by Khadija Gbla

In this TED talk, Khadija Gbla discusses the two different definitions of empowerment she learned from her mum when they lived in Sierra Leone and the one she got when they migrated to Australia. Her mother’s definition of empowerment was circumcision. She told her that it stifled her sexual urges...

“Why Invest in Africa” TED Talk by Euvin Naidoo

In his TED talk, Euvin Naidoo addresses the topic of Africa as a developing continent, its weaknesses, and its strengths. His goal is to discuss the reasons why investing in Africa is a great decision. The rate of inflation is decreasing significantly. In the past two decades, countries that include...

“Unemployment and Terrorism” TED Talk by Mohamed Ali

In this TED talk, Ali explores the relationship between unemployment and terrorism. Unemployment is one of the challenges facing young people in big cities around the world. As young people pursue their dreams of creating wealth and attaining their goals, they encounter many obstacles that cause frustration and push them...