Starbucks as a Place Away from Home and Work

Starbucks aimed to establish a third place which according to Schultz (Starbucks’s C.E.O) is “a place away from home and work.” He developed a great customer service and an inviting aura for coffee lovers an experience that popularly goes by name “The Starbucks Experience.” The segmentation and targeting strategies employed...

Validity and Reliability of Psychological Tests

Introduction Validity is the effectiveness of a scale score giving a sound and meaningful reflection of what it is intended to measure while reliability is validity is the correctness of a scale score in measuring what it claims to measure. Explain the types of reliability and validity are used Test...

Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Education

It has been noted that, with the advancement in technology, the concept of globalization has come to be part of human development. The world has experienced a high rate of free movement of goods, services, capital, and, more importantly, human beings. The world is characterized by interconnectedness and interdependence. According...

Questions and Failure in Learning

Topical and Overarching Questions Topical questions are unit-specific questions. They tend to direct the understanding of processes and thoughts inside a certain unit. An example of topical question is: “How do plants carry out photosynthesis?”. It can be seen that the topical question is a science-specific one. Wiggins and McTighe...

Sumaiya’s “How to Lose a Job in Ten Days” Article Rebuttal

Introduction Sumaiya’s article attempts to give some easier avenues through which an individual can lose a job especially if there is a lack of satisfaction. He observes that employees who have tried other avenues to be terminated without success can take his advice. I disagree with his guidelines on how...

Purchasing Manager: Job and Compensation Strategy

Job description The purchasing manager should have excellent planning and procurement ability with good skills in executing procurement activities and running a quality purchasing authority program. He should also be knowledgeable about the importance of the procuring authority buyer and the elementary procedures of the procurement method. He should be...

Global Corporations and Customers’ Mindsets

Popular products and the global reach of their manufacturers Coca Cola drinks The Coca Cola Company has a global reach of 200 countries around the world with 300 bottling partners. Coca-Cola has been in business for the past 124 years with an employee base of 92,800 based in its different...

Labour Rights in International Trade

Should labor practices in another country be a relevant consideration in international trade? Yes: labor practices in another country should be a relevant consideration in international trade; In an ideal situation, labor laws should be harmonized in all countries to facilitate the movement of factors of production more precisely labor...

Identity and Philosophy in “Sophie’s World” by Gaarder

The problem of identity has perplexed great philosophers for many centuries and has resulted in differing philosophical views. Many philosophers hold that identity is an inherent characteristic that lies deep in the nature of human existence and attempts to unravel it calls for the understanding of other entities that intricately...

Water Management in the “Flow” Documentary

Man cannot live without necessities, such as air, food, shelter, and water. It has been said that man can live for many days without food but only a few without water. It is, therefore, a comforting fact that like air, water is free. No one owns the water, and because...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Unions and Performance Appraisals in Organizations

Is there still a need for Unions? Why? Why not? Operation of Unions has undergone a lot of transformation. Earlier, they operated as illegal organizations in the protection of the employee from exploitation through salary, wages, or remuneration. Later the law protected them, and therefore the history is a huge...

Parenting Styles in Situational Examples

Situation # 1 My child spills a half-gallon of milk all over the table. The table is set for breakfast. Of course, my first emotions will be a bit negative. I spend a certain period to prepare breakfast and present a good table. However, it is my child who cannot...

Supervisor’s Motivation and Employee’s Performance

Marquita White, third shift floor supervisor The factors to consider reflecting the supervisor’s character A close look at Marquita White’s character shows an individual who is capable of good performance but it also shows an individual whose pride in past achievements is the main hindrance to good performance. Consideration of...

Grameen Banking System Alleviating Poverty

Introduction Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize winner, is the founder of the Grameen banking system; he had the aim of elevating poverty through financial empowerment of the poor in the society. The idea is moving fast in developing and developed countries. This paper discusses various aspects of the Grameen banking system....

Different Tendencies of Renaissance and Baroque

The Renaissance has been one of the brightest periods in history which brought many talented artists such as Michelangelo and Palladio. The main aspects of Mannerism developed between1510 and 1520 in Italy are the approach of reacting to the harmonious ideals and naturalism. Michelangelo is one of the greatest artists...

Marketing and Advertising in Online Communities

Communities are areas online where consumers who share interests gather and interact. Several virtual areas function as a community through discussion lists, chat rooms, and message boards. The unique properties of online communities offer marketers several opportunities to reach their customers in ways that never existed before. Amazon website community...

Mapping and Monitoring of Leachate Plume Migration

The journal article on a survey carried out in Zaria, Kaduna state on pollution of water by open waste disposal uses qualitative research method, since the research aims at characterizing the physical qualities of the subsoil, from which the level of pollution by leachate from the open landfills can be...

Emily’s Unhappiness in “I Stand Here Ironing?” by Olsen

I Stand Here Ironing I stand here ironing is a title that describes the life that Emily undergoes during her childhood, and as one iron in a real sense, he or she tends back and forth at the same position several times. This is the same thing in Emily’s life....

America’s Fight Against Terrorism

Following the events of September 11, terrorism threat became a reality to the American people forcing measures to be put in place. An example is equipment to measure the threat level, which I feel is not a very useful invention. The instrument hurts the psychological well-being of the citizens by...

Internet Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior

Internet Marketers’ strategies to trigger consumer recognition of needs and evaluating alternatives Internet marketers have to generate a lot of enthusiasm among the majority of potential clients, especially the youth through creating interaction procedures where site viewers can discuss or comment on products. This interactive form of advertisement enhances the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Awakening” Analysis by Culley and Chopin

The article “The Awakening: an authoritative text, biographical and historical contexts, criticism” kicks off by giving the novel The Awakening appreciation for being among the few fiction publications that front a female protagonist. The author then goes ahead to explain how the gender of the main character causes her to...

IBM Company’s Mission and History of Change

Look for a statement of mission IBM IBM is committed to becoming the leader in the invention and innovation of advanced information technologies such as software, microelectronics, computer systems, and storage systems. Microsoft Incorporation Microsoft is committed to helping individual and organizational customers attain their full potential. Ben &Jerry At...

“The Real Raymond Carver” by James Campbell

The article The Real Raymond Carver by James Campbell opens by confirming that Carver usually went through various drafts of all his work before settling on a final copy for print. Campbell claims that the joy in reading Carver’s work comes from enjoying the strange scenarios that the author presents...

The Issue of Global Warming

Global warming is a serious environmental problem that results from the rising of global temperatures, causing the earth to heat up, leading to climate changes. Temperature changes in the world are attributed to external forces some of which are natural such as volcano eruptions, which lead to the cooling of...

Nicaragua’s Overreliance on International Trade

The position on Nicaragua portrayed in the video is fairly accurate, as it appears that similar sentiments have been observed by other individuals who have studied LDC’s (Least Developed Countries). It has been observed that the main motivation behind LDC states about international financial obligations is the international trade ties...

Do Empires Ever Benefit Areas and People Subject To Them?

Do empires ever benefit areas and people subject to them? In his article, Edward Said presents the notion that in the case of empires what occurs is a state of cultural imposition wherein cultural predilection, values, behaviors even methods of speaking are imposed on a local populace resulting in a...

Socrates’ Innocence and Defense

To come in defense of Socrates, I will travel back in time and take my position as part of a jury in an Athenian court where Socrates stands accused of corrupting young minds thereby, subverting the democratic order of the day and impiety. My verdict is ‘not guilty’ for several...

Obesity Prevention in Young Children: Evidence-Based Project

Summarizing Practice Issue The number of obese and overweight children is constantly increasing (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). However, the primary challenge is the scope of obesity-related health concerns, varying from metabolism issues to certain types of cancer and even death (“Childhood obesity prevention programs,” 2013). As for...

General Motor Company’s Website and Marketing

The General Motor site has processes involving interaction between potential clients and this assist marketer since the recommendations advertise and assist firms to grow their market boundaries. Advertisements of products on the site are an excellent strategy and link for enhancing sales since they have a close connection to vehicles,...

Apple Inc.’s Brand Equity on the Website

Branding issues are of extreme importance to manufacturers, traditional retailers, and customers. The growth of the internet has increased the importance of a strong brand name, especially due to trust and security issues. The brand name is used to differentiate products in both traditional and online retail situations. The Apple...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Future of Food” Documentary

In the documentary entitled “The Future of Food,” the viewers are shocked by the revelation of how food is made in America. In the opening scenes, one woman said that America used to be a nation of farmers, but today, there are only 2% of the population that produces food...

Freud’s Contention “Love One’s Neighbor as Oneself”

Love is a strong feeling of care that a person has towards something or someone. This feeling grows with time. A neighbor is not the person that lives next to one’s homestead but is any person who needs an individual’s help. The commandment of love is one of the foremost...

American Flatbread Company’s Franchising

What is American Flatbread? How does the Company produce and distribute its products? Where in Indiana can you purchase American Flatbread? What does the Company’s Mission Statement have to say about the core values of the business? American Flatbread is a company that believes in a return to the original...

National Culture and Aesthetics in International Marketing

Why is it helpful for international business people to know that national culture has two components? Natural culture is made up of two components; the effects that symbols have on people’s imagination and creativity and how people classify different situations. International business people need to understand these components to know...

Trauma Nurse’s Personal Philosophy in Practice

Introduction To develop a personal nursing philosophy, it is essential to overcome particular challenges in one’s practice. Therefore, the following paper is to cover my experiences as a trauma nurse. Moreover, the following paragraphs are to provide some thoughts that I realized during my work in a hospital and gained...

Opportunity Costs of Education and Oil Industry

Opportunity Cost of Getting Education An opportunity cost refers to the cost that is usually the next best option available to a person amongst a set of mutually exclusive choices. This cost which is a fundamental concept of economics describes the basic relationship that exists between scarcity and choice where...

Barbara Kingsolver’s “Knowing Our Place” Analysis

Behind the Writing: Reading the Author’s Mind There comes a time when a person needs to have a place where he or she belongs. When one knows that there is a safe place worth being called home, no matter how far this place might be, one starts feeling somewhat relieved....

Belly Dance and Western Culture

Shay Antony and Barbara Sellers-Young. “Belly Dance: Orientalism-Exoticism-Self-Exoticism.” Dance Research Journal. Vol. 35, No. 1 (2003), pp. 13-37. The article traces the origins of belly dance and the culture spread through a “vast region extending from the Atlantic Ocean in North Africa and the Balkans in the west to the...

Buying a Single-Property House in Los Angeles

Information about the house and neighborhood The single-property house which I have selected is located in Los Angeles at 1274 South Camden Drive. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms. Its exterior design strongly resembles the Spanish architectural style. This house has a very spacious living room with beamed ceilings and...

Prices and Sales in Australia’s Mobile Market

Market development strategy In the modern contemporary telecommunication industry, several factors, both internal and external, influence companies in the industry when developing pricing strategies. The following are the external factors that influence pricing strategies adopted by companies in the telecommunication industry in Australia: The competition among the firms; as every...

Career Opportunity in the Accounting Industry

Introduction Knowledge about business-related courses was not clear to me and I had no intention of pursuing any business-related course. That was back in my early education days, even though my father managed a fairly large business firm in the region. It was not until my college studies when I...

Language Arts Lesson and Arizona Writing Standards

Standard 8): Language Arts Writing: The students write daily to effectively communicate for various reasons and to different audiences. Arizona Standards for Second Grade reading and writing standards according to the Arizona Department of Education The learner will be able to: Discuss and share the items in the small package...

Pro-Democratic Political Position in the US

Introduction: presenting a political position It has been historically recognized that the Democratic Party has had many more members and supporters in comparison with the Republican Party. However, this tendency has gradually become less popular. More and more citizens are prone to consider themselves as independent individuals who are reluctant...

Marijuana Legalization and Criminalization

Response to the First Opinion: Legalizing Marijuana I agree with the opinion that the use of marijuana should be legalized. The drug control policies have failed to prevent the use of marijuana in the country. This is based on the fact that a high percentage of the citizens are still...

New Vision Statement for “Chester”

Knowing what your business is about will help you achieve success. Developing a vision statement for your organization will enable the employees, customers and you to be aware of why the organization is there and what it wants to achieve. Having a clear vision for the company will enable you...

Students’ Course Examinations by Gharib & Phillips

Data Description Gharib and Phillips (2013) compared students’ scores on open-book and cheat-sheet examinations. The predictor variable was the type of exam: open-book or cheat-sheet; nominal measurement. The outcome sets variables were: students’ grades (scale); anxiety scores (presumably scale; 5-point Likert scale was used); time of studying for exams (hours,...

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung: Religious Beliefs

By applying psychological methods and interpretive frameworks to religious studies, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung attempted to accurately describe the advantages and disadvantages of religious beliefs. According to the views expressed by Freud in his The future of an illusion, religious belief can have several positive implications for an individual...

Feelings in “Araby” Short Story by James Joyce

Written by James Joyce, Araby is a short story describing young adolescent boys eager to learn about sexual awareness. The narrator who is a young boy falls in love with his neighbor the Mangan’s sister. However, he has poor skills on how to approach a girl and therefore secretly admires...

Origin of Mental and Physical Phenomena

Since time immemorial, scholars and philosophers have been trying to explain the relationship between mind and body and the origin of mental and physical phenomena. The major theories exploring the mind-body problem can be divided into two major categories of dualistic and monistic theories. Notwithstanding the width of the gap...

Try Painfree: Convincing a Consumer to Buy a Product

The short reading under analysis contains one conclusion which is the response to the issue which is not explicitly in the text, but which can be extracted easily. The text also contains nine reasons which are aimed at convincing the consumer to buy the product. The conclusion of the text...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Small Business Administration and Management

Definition of Small Business A small business is any business that has less than 500 employees. Also, it is not a dominant player in that specific industry on a national basis. There are various areas of businesses that attract small businesses but the most notable ones are the retail, hotel,...

Gender Stereotypes in Western and Eastern Culture

Introduction A stereotype is a statement or a thought that is directed towards a certain group, tribe or types of individuals, seeking to judge the way they live, act or relate to other people and the material world. There are a lot of stereotypes that exist between the genders in...

Professional Nursing Association Care Guidelines

Introduction The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACCN) is a leading organization that develops evidence-based concepts and practices to improve the quality of care available to more patients. One of the specific care guidelines published by the association focuses on end-of-life support. The guideline acknowledges the need to acquire new...

Occupational Safety and Health Threat Scenarios

An Unannounced Inspection Scenario By the company rules and regulations, the OSHA inspector should be informed that the general manager whom the company is accountable was not present, therefore not possible the inspection of the premise. At the same time, the inspector should be informed of the present change and...

Company Policy on Email Use and Text Messaging

Reminder of Key Company Policy on acceptable use of Email and text messaging I would like to begin by offering warm greetings to all employees of the company. It has come to my attention that many employees are not following the company policies about the use of email and text...

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Education

Power and Agency The article called “Betwixt Safety and Shielding in the Academy: Confronting Institutional Gendered Racism—Again” by Deirdre Cobb-Roberts examines an incident that happened in one of the predominantly White institutions from the points of view of Critical Race Theory and Critical Race Feminism. It is important to mention...

Probability in Statistics: Desired Result’ Occurrence

Theoretical Probability Theoretical probability is one of the most commonly applied types of probability in statistics, especially in real-life situations. Theoretical probability refers to the possibility of a desirable outcome occurring; hence, one has to define the desirable outcome (Bennett et al. 214). The probability of an event occurring is...

Bottled House in Boswell and Manhole Covers as Artworks

The Bottled house in Boswell The Bottled house in Boswell, Canada, is an extraordinary roadside attraction. The house was built from more than half a million useless enclosing fluid bottles. The over 500,000 square-shaped bottles weighed over 250 tons (Darby2, 2006). The house, built by David H. Brown in 1952,...

Human Resource Management Leadership Problems

Managers carefully conduct the recruitment and selection tasks by identifying the right people to fill posts that fall vacant at the place of work. An example in point occurred when Stephen Connor experienced a recruitment problem as an HRM of the New York investment banking firm where Peter worked as...

Campus Life: What to Be Prepared for?

The experience of living in a dorm can be broadening and help a student mature. It can also expose a student to influences and risks that can derail a whole college career. For some students, especially those from cultures where behavior is prescribed and proscribed, the presence of others engaging...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Professional Growth Through Supervision

Being a leader and manager requires an individual to possess important skills that will enable him or her to integrate quality improvement into the process of strategic planning. This is important for both the individual and the organization which the individual works for as this helps to promote quality and...

Elie Wiesel and His Faith in God in the Book Night

Eliezer’s faith in God was something beyond question. He spent time in devotion to God. He frequently prayed to Him and at times he even cried. This was to show how deep his reverence to his creator was. It was made even more evident when Moshe questioned his faith and...

Freelance Writing: Quality vs. Quantity

Which is better in the world of freelancing, quality, or quantity? They both have value; however, depending on the freelance writer’s preference for the work environment, one may suit his or her writing style better than the other. To answer this question, this article will consider the different types of...

Freelance Writing Experiences and Mistakes

Hard Lessons Part One Freelance writing can be a tough enterprise – not for the faint of heart, in other words. Especially for those freelance writers just starting, the number of mistakes will typically far outweigh the numbers of successes. For freelance writers, there are a few mistakes that are...

Study Courses in Liberal Arts, Business, Engineering

Which classes that you choose as part of your curriculum are going to be great for your life skills. For example English major is not something that helps in real life, think of professions and educational choices, which can help you in real life: banking skills, cooking skills, building skills...

Financial Institutions and Fiscal Instruments

Demand and supply are obviously affected by the monetary tools of Fed Monetary supply is affected by Fed using three main tools. These tools include the rate target for the federal funds, lending practices carried out through discounts and finally, the reserve regulation as stipulated by fiscal laws. To begin...

Diverse Freelance Writing: More Skills – More Jobs

In the world of freelance writing, new skills tend to equal more jobs for freelance writers. Freelance writers who continually diversify their skills gain access to new avenues of work, new clients, new freelancing opportunities, and new sources of income. Several questions arise however when the freelance writers consider diversifying...

The Keep Britain Clean Campaign Press Release

The launch of The Keep Britain Clean Campaign London, Eng. – August 18, 2011. In an effort to stem the tidal wave of litter that has clogged Britain’s city streets the various local city councils have started the “Keep Britain Clean Campaign”. Spearheaded by environmentalist Michael Murphy the campaign seeks...

Freelance Writing Opportunities in Real Life

Unconventional Methods of Looking for Work Part One Successful freelance writers learn quickly how to become savvy marketers and self-promoters. However, finding work through conventional methods such as online searches do not always work as well as hoped. The main reason for this is competition; since online job searches are...

Brain Malpractice Verdict for Brain Surgery

Issue of Integrity The news clip chosen for this response is linked to a $20 million negligence verdict against Arkansas Children’s Hospital for the surgery performed on the wrong side of the brain of a 15-year old boy. As a result of the surgery, the boy was left severely brain-damaged....

Bank’s Performance Financial Regulation

Net income which signifies the profits that a bank makes after taxes gives us a direct view of a bank’s performance in terms of its ability to pay dividends as well as retain earnings. However, the net income fails to adjust to the size of the bank and as such...

Smuggling and Its Control in the United States

Introduction Various issues affect the business environment for companies in different countries. These issues make it difficult for companies to be successful since it is difficult to deal with the challenges. The following discussion indulges in smuggling to understand what it is, individuals who benefit from the trade, and ways...

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum: Cultural Diplomacy

Cultural diplomacy is a specific kind of soft power and public diplomacy that incorporates the mutual exchange of information, ideas, and cultural concepts for maintaining trusting ties between different parties. The primary goal of cultural diplomacy is fostering a mutual understanding of the national ideals of parties with an effort...

Facebook Critique: “With Friends Like These…” by Tom Hodgkinson

This essay is written by Tom Hodgkinson, and it is a critique of Facebook, its founders, and its business model. The author is skeptical about the validity of Facebook’s business model as well as the motives behind its institution. The author is also unimpressed by the tremendous success that Facebook...

Barack Obama’s Speech on State of the Union

There is a tradition on State of the Union night that the President of the USA gives a speech in which he outlines his main thoughts about his country, current state of affairs, condition of the economy, and his ideas about the future of his country. The speech is usually...

Lifecycles of a Typical Fern and a Typical Conifer

Life cycle of a typical fern A typical fern is homosporous meaning that it produces a single type of spore which looks and spreads like a seed. In nature, spores have single cells containing only one copy of each chromosome (haploid). In its breeding site, the spore develops into gametophyte...

Shakespeare’s Macbeth vs. Tolkiens’ Smeagol

The characters of Macbeth and Smeagol/Gollum in the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings seem at first glance to be drastically different characters. Macbeth is a relative of the king, in line for leadership. Smeagol is a cut-throat of dubious, possibly Halfling origins with none but himself and his...

Management Styles in the Military Field

The issue of what constitutes the best management style is extremely relevant. Organizations want to outperform their competitors and choose management styles that fit their organizational and market realities. It would be fair to say that there is no best management style. Only managers who are flexible in their decisions...

Unilever Company’s Business Environment & Product Development

External Environment and the Organization Unilever is one of the largest companies in the world and produces dozens of different products under numerous brands. As a result, this creates the necessity for developing a leadership strategy that enables the company to simultaneously control such brands over numerous international markets (The...

Cardiorespiratory Fitness Plan and Its Benefits

Goals The goals of this cardiorespiratory fitness plan include: To enhance the physical fitness of individuals whose age range between 18 and 60 years. To lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels of the target audience through aerobic exercises. To reduce obesity while strengthening and shaping strong bones through aerobic...

“Children’s Visual Imagery” by DeWindt-King and Goldin

DeWindt-King and Goldin are considered the brains behind research in cognitive approaches to problem-solving and their qualifications and expertise in technological approaches in solving mathematics problems cannot be debated. Serving as full-time professors in their respective universities, the authors have made immense contributions to the field of mathematics education. Mediterranean...

Strategic Processing Styles in Decision-Making

Dr. Gary observed that people use a decision strategy to navigate through their decision-making moments in life. In the Organizational Engineering (OE) model developed by Dr. Gary Salton, he postulated that there are four kinds of strategic processing styles. Someone is either a Reactive Stimulator or Logical processor (Ungvari, 2011)....

Substance Abuse and Frustration Relationships

Substance abuse is often considered a serious problem facing society today. Individuals who abuse various substances such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and morphine encounter difficulties accepting social realities (Gibson 16). A report released by the Harvard health institute indicated that substance abuse is high among frustrated individuals. Other literature has...

Supporting Algebraic Thinking in Students

The credibility of the authors of this article cannot be contested. Healy and Hoyles have played significant roles in the construction of mathematical meanings and have provided rich information on the meaning of mathematics education. Their expertise in the field of mathematics education has been demonstrated by the depth of...

Website Critique: International Federation of Journalists

The website is run by the International Federation of Journalists organization. This organization was first established in 1926 and its current chapter was launched in 1952. The IFJ is open to membership by journalists’ trade unions from all over the world. It presently has about 600,000 members from over 100...

McDonald’s Brand Repositioning and Expansion

What environmental trends have challenged McDonald’s? The difficulties faced by McDonald’s in the late nineties can be explained by several trends. First of all, one should mention that at that time the fast-food industry became very saturated and the company had to face significant completion posed by other firms. Such...

Nestle’s Nespresso Brand’s Competitive Advantage

The competitive advantages of Nestle’s Nespresso brand? There are several competitive advantages that Nespresso has over other companies. This organization has a well-established brand that is recognizable to people living in different countries. There are other businesses that sell similar products but these companies are not as popular as Nespresso....

Wallerstein’s Contribution to Development Theory

Immanuel Wallerstein maintains that the world-system should be used as a primary unit in social analysis rather than nation-states. The world system contributes to development theory because it is dynamic and over time, different countries constitute core countries. He highlights some of the benefits of globalization. Globalization is the only...

Human Resource Strategy and Workforce Engagement

What are the main building blocks of the HR Strategy? The key building blocks of HR strategy are as follows, the decision devoted to those who are going to be involved in HR strategy building, business strategy definition, analysis of the context, the identification of the business needs, identification of...

Asian Studies. Japan’s Classical System and Medieval Era

Was the so-called “rise of warriors” a complete overthrow of Japan’s classical system or not? Explain your view The rise of warriors in Japan participated in the collapse of the classical Japanese system which was adopted from Chinese civilization with centralized government, Confucianism, Buddhism as well as Chinese language and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy

Analyze how your organization ensure/can ensure that HR strategy is fully aligned with the business strategy Human resource management is vital for any organization that seeks to add value to its employees to ensure the growth of the business. Holbeche (1999) says that in the 21st-century business environment, HR has...

Using Data to Generate Linear Regression for Forecasting

Forecasting is a term used in economics to mean the estimation of the future state or position of a variable or a set of variables. Forecasting normally comes in handy in times of planning and making decisions for the organization about the variables in question. For instance, it could be...

Hegemonic Stability Theory and International Political Economy

Hegemonic stability theory Hegemonic stability theory draws its ideas from the realist, liberal and historical, together with the structuralists views. It is often regarded as a hybrid theory. It emphasizes that for an open and balanced international system to be met there should be a sole dominating or hegemonic nation,...

Kenya, Its Tourist Attractions and Food Culture

Introduction Kenya is one of the most beautiful African countries I have ever been to. I am always thrilled to visit it. However, it has taken some time since I was there. I could not hide my happiness when my family finally settled in the country for the winter holidays....

Visual Rhetoric in L’Oreal EverCrème Advertisement

Introduction The growth of advertising has lately been influenced by company’s competition for business and the urge to broaden their market scope. Most companies today are aggressively advertising their products. The use of propaganda and weasel words is very common in advertising. Propaganda influences the attitude of the target audience....

Due Process History, Trespass and Privacy Doctrine

History of Due Process The history of due process from the adoption of the U.S. Constitution to the present illustrates historical strides in efforts to present the nation with a constitution that can serve the interests of its diverse population. The birth of the United States’ constitution draws us back...

Budget Airlines and Their Growth Factors in Europe

Factors Stimulating the Growth of Budget Airlines At present, budget airlines have become very popular. An increasing number of people travel by airplane as it is convenient and it is not expensive anymore. One of the major reasons why the budget airlines are so popular is, of course, the low...

Nutmeg Enterprises’ Operations Management

Operations Strategy Model The operations strategy model defines how the various components of a business are integrated into achieving set goals. An operations strategy refers to the plan on how a business operates to realize its goals. Each business organization seeks to develop and adopt an operation strategy model that...

Great Wall Motors Company’s Marketing in Australia

Pricing objectives pursued by Great Wall Motors in the Australian market Great Wall Motors is a Chinese carmaker known for its expertise in the manufacture of SUVs and SAVs. The company has been doing well in China and other parts of the world due to their quality. Motor vehicles from...

AT&T Company’s Diversity at Workplace

Abstract Workplace diversity is a fundamental feature that may either accelerate or impede the growth of a business entity. In the case of AT&T Company, workplace diversity is being exercised, especially at the point of recruitment. The following is an in-depth interview with a senior HR manager from AT&T. Interview...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chavez’s Nationalization of the Cargill Factory

Why did Chavez decide to nationalize Cargill? Do you think he was justified? Though hardly anyone could expect the nationalization of Cargill to occur, the reasons behind the decision taken by Chavez are quite obvious. Seeing that the president has been known for his enmity towards foreign companies within the...

Continuous Professional Education in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a field in which constant professional development is essential. Numerous researches reveal new facts in the sphere of nursing. Consequently, a nurse should improve the knowledge to meet professional demands. It may be a good idea to go back to school for a certificate or another degree....

Four Seasons Website’s Traffic Ranking

Traffic Statistics Traffic ranking Traffic Rank Changes 7 day 9,410 -1,045 ↑ 1 month 10,463 -875 ↑ 3 month 11,029 -461 ↑ From the statistics above, Four Seasons traffic rank has been experiencing a significant drop in the past 3-month period. From the statistics above, the company’s site had experienced...

Lean Supply Chain Management Strategies

What are the similarities and differences between lean and agile supply chain strategies? Lean supply strategy focuses on cost reduction, minimization of waste, and maximization of overall performance (Vonderembse, Uppal, Huang, & Dismukes, 2006). The Lean approach suggests planning-based production that “supports the flow of value, let the customer pull...

Mirror Reflection as a Symbol in Wiesel’s “Night”

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” is a detailed description of the processes that happen in a young boy’s heart, soul, and mind, when he observes people being tortured, starved, and burnt alive, when he gets betrayed, insulted, and humiliated. This short but shocking book contains preserved images and evidence of how far...

“Hunting Witches in Salem” by Cotton Mather

According to Cotton Mather, why was the devil dangerous? How did the devil operate in New England? What was the significance of Mather’s emphasis that invisible ‘furies’ could inflict visible injuries? Mather argues that the devil was dangerous because he determined to destroy the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ...

Social Classes in the Canadian Society

What is social inequality and—according to the readings—where does it come from? Use specific examples from the readings to guide your analysis. Social inequality refers to a state in which individual groups in a specific society have different social status. This state of inequality is brought about by the ideologies...

Cultures and Worldviews in Counseling

Introduction According to Clinton and Ohlschlager (2002), it would prove quite inappropriate, on the part of a counselor, to pay little attention to what happened to be the particulars of the treated client’s ethnocultural affiliation. The reason for this is that, while aware of what accounts for these particulars’ discursive...

Global Business Activities, Concepts and Processes

The screening process in selecting a foreign market The priority order of steps is essential for the screening process because it enables a company to identify possible problems or challenges at the early stages. Moreover, it allows an organization to reduce the expenses associated with the screening process. It should...

Decision-Making in Financial Advisors

As a financial advisor, are there factors other than return and risk that should be considered in making this decision? When making a decision regarding the company’s further investment in a specific stock, one needs to be especially careful as the company’s further success hinges on the choice made by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Pepper No. 30” Photograph by Edward Weston

The work in question is entitled Pepper No. 30, created in 1930 (“Pepper No. 30” n.p.). The artist’s name is Edward Weston. This black and white photograph depicts a close-up of a “bell pepper on the concave surface” against a dark background (“Pepper No. 30” n.p.). The dimensions are 24.4...

Writing Skills Developed in the Comp 101 Course

Introduction Throughout the Comp 101 class, I have come to appreciate and understand the core elements of writing, research, and the general reading criteria which will further my endeavors in other areas of study or work. This is because communication is exceedingly required to better identify with other areas of...

Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the Tokugawa Era in Japan

How did Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s domestic policies change the basic structures of society at the time? Toyotomi Hideyoshi is regarded as one of the heroic men in Japan’s history. Despite being born from a peasant family, he rose to the limelight after he destroyed the Asian clan of Omi in 1573...

Art Exhibitions in Meadows Museum

The Meadows Museum is known for its rich reservation of Spanish history. Perhaps, one of the most outstanding attributes of this museum is its nature of art collection that dates back hundreds of years ago. The upcoming exhibition plans to showcase artifacts and art-related objects that span close to 500...

Biological Processes Related to Human Age

Famous Persons Becca Levy and Ellen Langer became the very first persons to identify the peculiarities of the peak and decline model and compare the latter to the lifespan developmental model elaborated by Sigmund Freud. The peak and decline model was initially outlined by Herbert Lehman who stated that this...

“Welcome to the United States of Ambien” by Sheffield

Writing about the adverse effects of drugs is a thankless job, and getting this job done without making the readers nauseous with its preachy tone already is impressive enough. Rob Sheffield has gone an even more successful way by prompting his audience to acknowledge the explicit abuse of Ambien –...

Use of Theory in Research

What is the theory? The theory is a set of basic principles (that are accepted as given), and of research methods that allow to derive new conclusions from these principles and/or to explain existing phenomena by employing them. The most telltale definitions and examples of theories can be provided by...

Library Structure and Workflow

Description of a library Main ideas Specific information Meaning of library Collection of sources of information The physical appearance of a library A fenced story building with beautiful flowers around it. Reading area It is cool with minimal movements. There were two main sections, i.e. for private and group studies....

How the Group Activities Develop?

The research involved teamwork and every team member had to participate actively in collecting resources, reviewing the literature, discussing the findings, and drawing the conclusions in the paper. The individual team members also participated in writing and proofreading the report. The group had to appoint a leader to ensure that...

Six Sigma Framework: Key Terms Definition

Leadership Leadership is typically viewed as a set of measures aimed at setting the goals to be accomplished by the organization, as well as set the pace for the participants to operate so that the objectives in question could be attained (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009a). As a rule, it is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Injustices in King Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham”

I agree with Dr. King’s notion that injustice to a single person in a specific, even if far off place is an injustice to the whole nation and society. If a country has accepted individuals and they have citizenship in that country, the government should support and not alienate people...

Eliezer and His Father’s Bond in Wiesel’s “Night”

The Relationship Between Eliezer and His Father Eliezer is the protagonist of the Elie Wiese’s Night narrative. Eliezer was the son of a Jewish elder called Chomlo (Bosmajian 211). Throughout the novel, Wiese narrates how Chomlo treated his son throughout his life. Similarly, he narrates how Eliezer’s attitude towards his...

Director Responsibility to IT Governance

Student Source Trites, Gerald, (2004), “Director Responsibility to IT Governance”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol. 5 pp. 89-99. Summary The article discusses corporate governance and director’s responsibilities in the context of IT. The primary issue is the fact that the directors underestimate the significance of information technology in...

LinkedIn Company’s Primary Challenges Analysis

The SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces analysis revealed that the primary challenges are related to the inability to maintain the customer’s interest due to the increasing competition, the necessity to pay for the membership, and questionable reputation. In this instance, LinkedIn has to expand its activities and contribute to sharing...

The Ivory Furniture Company’s Financial Analysis

Introduction Financial data, along with other pertinent information, assist company managers in investment and financial decision-making. This information equally provides very useful signals to customers and creditors in determining the financial performance of a firm in which they have either extended credit, invested their funds, or even consider viable in...

Art Definition: Modern vs. Traditional

The definition of art is changing with time. The modern definition of art focuses on the way art changes over time and breaks away from its traditional definition. The old definition of art focused on skills or crafts demonstrated. According to Awesome Artistic website, art is the use of skill...

Apple Inc. – Analyzing Company Fundamentals

Identify three major countries with which your chosen company operates. Preferably, the three countries are on different continents. Apple operates in many countries but mainly in the US, UK, and Canada. They are located in Europe and the continent of North America (Annual Report 2009, 2009). Are these three countries...

Iconography Artists and Their Installations

The subject for this week is iconography art. I have been really impressed by the subject because I have always paid attention to the icons or symbols in the art. Actually, in art criticism, iconography is defined as the description and systematization of typological features and patterns taken by the...

Religion: “A Crusade for Compassion” by Douglas Todd

In my opinion, “crusade for compassion” is an article whose main aim is to feel the pain felt by other religions when attacked, by those who consider them as enemies. The word compassion, in this article, which is supposed to mean feeling sorry for others, is considered as making one...

Apple Inc. Company’s Resources and Position

Are any employees of your company represented by labor unions or covered by collective bargaining agreements? Are any of these employees working outside of the United States? For now, Apple has no employees that are represented by labor unions or covered by collective bargaining agreements because they are considered to...

Social Media Activism in the Arab Spring Revolution

There is no doubt that social media has increased the power of communication between families, friends, and even among strangers. The Internet has become an important tool that links millions of people around the world. Although it is more convenient to send emails now, instant messaging and video calls are...

Chapter 5 of “American Government” by O’Connor et al.

Chapter five of our study book comprehensively examines the question of civil liberties. Civil liberties are a very significant pillar for a modern civilized society. The chapter runs through roots of liberties, first and second amendments, rights of criminal defendants, and the right to privacy and concludes by examining the...

Chapter 6 of “American Government” by O’Connor et al.

This chapter addresses different social issues, which include: the aftermath of the civil war, civil rights after reconstruction, black equality women’s equality, the civil rights movement, the civil rights act of 1964, women’s rights movement, equal protection clause, statutory remedies, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Asian Pacific Americans, gays and lesbians,...

Health Information and Its Affecting Factors

Introduction Many factors and issues influence health information. People look at health care differently, but it is essential to pay more attention on access and use of health information. People suffering from chronic illness should be given first priority to access health information. Heath information is crucial as it educates...

Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Wages in the USA

Introduction Alhakimi and Peoples in their article “Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Wages in the USA” from 2009 examine how foreign direct investment affects wages in the United States. The correlation between the two has been examined in a variety of articles with similar titles. In recent years, this question...

Fraud Perpetrators in Banking Organizations

Banks across the world are experiencing serious losses because of fraud. Fraud always manifests itself in various ways in such institutions. This can be in the form of providing false information to the bank by some of its customers, hacking into the systems and getting the information that they use...

Corporate Publishing International Company’s Internship

The internship took place at CPI in Dubai, UAE from July 7, 2011. The internship focused on communication and media, which was an essential part of my studies in the degree of management information system. CPI was established over 18 years ago as a first participant in the publishing events...

Colin Ives’ Lectures on Artwork-Environment Interaction

Lectures from Colin Ives are generally interactive and have a unique way to show how various artists interact with their artwork with the environment. The lectures incorporate several environmental artworks that are not only informative but have a special way of communicating a message that would otherwise have been hard...

Genetic Interference in Caenorhabditis Elegans

What is the authors’ question? The authors were determined to find out the causative factor for the manifestation of interference. What is their hypothesis? The interfering RNA populations are those that have double-stranded character. What did they do to test their hypothesis? They produced a batch with purified single-stranded RNA...

Cheryl Hayashi’s “The Magnificence of Spider Silk”

The speaker giving the speech begins by clearly stating the contents of the speech about to be delivered. Clearly defining the contents of speech provide the audience with a perception of the expectations from the speech. The speaker does not state the substance discussed within the context of the speech....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Managerial Economics and Business Strategy

In what respects are the following common practices subtle (or not-so-subtle) forms of price discrimination? Frequent-flier and frequent-stay programs? Frequent-flier and frequent-stay programs Frequent-fliers are incentive programs are used by airlines to reward clients who have continuously been loyal travelers (Samuelson & Marks, 2006). The strategy aims to reduce travel...

Formal Writing Process and Research

In this age of electronic communications such as cell phones, text messaging, and e-mail, what is the role of formal writing? How do you think these digital communication methods influence the writing process? Effective communication is crucial in the business world, and technological advancements have made it simpler and easier....

School Bullying and Student’s Development

Bullying Bullying is one of the major social challenges facing youth in our schools today. Ann and Aidan (2004) observe that there are two main types of bullying namely indirect and direct bullying. Students directly bully each other by fighting, kicking, pushing, and attacking using any available weapon. Indirect bullying...

Professional Competence for Future Career Goals

What is professional competence? A professionally competent person has the professional knowledge, professional capacity, professional skills, and good work experience. The person must have certain personal qualities that are sharpened to make him fit in the situation of the firm. Such a person must also be loyal to its management...

Industrial Corn in “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Pollan

The research focuses on part one of Omnivore’s Dilemma, Industrial Corn. The book is written by Michael Pollan. The review focuses on Chapters 1 (The Plant: Corn’s Conquest to Chapter 3 (The Elevator) of part 1(Industrial Corn) of The Omnivore’s Dilemma. The Industrial Corn comprises Chapters 1 (The Plant: Corn’s...

Cultural Competence in a Nurse’s Work

Introduction Cultural competence, respect, and tolerance receive priority in nursing care nowadays. It is related to globalization and the fact that people become more mobile. Due to the process of globalization, the countries and nationalities become closer the nurses should be flexible and be able to cooperate with the individuals...

The Process of Finding Funding

Introduction The issue of investment is a primary concern for both an experienced entrepreneur and a beginner. The choice of funding opportunities predetermines the development of a company and its place on the market. It can influence stake distribution and stimulate the company’s development. Entrepreneurship Peculiarities In the process of...

Databases, E-Commerce, Social Media at the Workplace

What are some ways databases are used in the work environment? What are some ways database use could be improved in the workplace? A database can simply be defined as a set of similar data organized in a predetermined sequence for ease of retrieval and use. Examples of databases include...

Enlightenment Culture and 18-th Century Revolutions

The key principles of eighteenth-century Enlightenment culture and liberalism When speaking about the key principles of eighteenth-century Enlightenment culture and liberalism, one is to keep in mind the fundamentals of the period. So, first of all, it should be pointed out that the Enlightenment period is characterized by modern western...

Managerial Economics: Mergers and Acquisitions

The last decade has witnessed an unprecedented number of mega-mergers in the banking industry. What are the potential cost advantages of these mergers? Mergers in business management are critical in generating enough resources for an organization to operate effectively while providing a platform for a harmonized management approach. In the banking...