State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Staff Evaluation

The article is a study of the factors that bar or facilitate evidence by staff in a vocational agency. The report addresses, among other things, the ease of locating and comprehending research findings, implementation funds, professional collaboration, and upcoming research. This article relates to the professional association because it focuses...

Car Sales Forecast and Financial Strategy

Apart from identifying the interest rate charged for a loan, one will have to consider a variety of factors in order to predict sales rates efficiently. The forecast of sales rates is quite hard to carry out due to a variety of factors affecting it. These factors can be split...

“Learning at Work” Article by Stephen Billet

The Main Issue in the Article “Learning at Work: Organizational Readiness and Individual Engagement” by Billet Fundamentally, the article discussed the relevant facts about guided learning strategies, which are applicable in the workplace. Since the objective of workplace learning is to make sure that the learners develop practical skills and...

College Education: To Do More, To Be More

Many people understand the value of college education as a means of getting an economic payoff in the future. It is easier for college graduates to find work, and they usually earn more than those without a diploma. Although there is a grain of truth in it, and an economic...

Chapter 9 of “Criminology Today” by Schmalleger

The chapter 9 “Social Conflict Theories” describes the following analytical perspectives on law and social order. The consensus perspective revolves around the statement that the majority of society members have the same assumptions on the right and the wrong, and people collaborate to achieve some greater good. The pluralistic perspective...

Metrology Experiment with Measurement Tools

Abstract Objectives and Scope The purpose of the experiment concerned testing the efficacy of the measurement tools such as the Vernir caliper, a depth gauge, a micrometer, and a gauge in an uncertainty analysis. The scope of the investigation was restricted to the analysis of the measurement results. Method The...

Zara’s Use of Child Labour and Public Image

Research Title Zara put on the back foot over Portuguese child labour claim. Research Hypotheses and Objectives Hypothesis 1 Zara’s performance is negatively influenced by child labour practices. Objective 1 Examine the impact of an organization’s ethical behaviour on performance. Hypothesis 2 Bad publicity of Zara’s unethical behaviour (child labour)...

Microsoft Corporation’s Resources and Capabilities

Does the firm have resources (tangible/intangible) or capabilities that give it a competitive advantage? Microsoft is a company based in the US that manufactures and develops software products for the use of computers. Some of the software it develops includes; operating systems, server applications, business solution applications, information worker applications,...

EBay Customer Support Outsourcing and Dalton’s Model

Today, outsourcing, the process of transferring a part of production or business to another company that is an expert in this field, becomes a key practice among such large companies as Dell, eBay, and others. The evidence shows that there are both advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing and related issues....

Wendy’s Fast Food Franchise in the Chinese Market

Expanding into new markets is a crucial step for fast food companies that are willing to remain relevant. The specified solution allows organizations to attract the attention of new audiences and increase brand name recognition. Therefore, for the firms such as Wendy’s entering the Chinese market is one of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Feminist Organizations and Women’s Status in Society

Women’s rights From the poster, the rights of women have been violated since their body parts are displayed, which, in most cases, is against the wishes and desires of many women. Advertising companies have always used women’s pictures since the public, especially men, would be interested in buying such products....

Students’ Procrastination and Attentive Therapy

Procrastination Describe the research study/studies you would conduct to determine whether your treatment is efficacious. Make sure to explain why each part of your study is important. What can you conclude from these studies? Students were replacing high priority tasks or responsibilities with tasks that are of lower priority. To...

Infant Development and Family Situation Analysis

Abstract Giselle is two-month-old. She has good reflexes and normally develops except for being underweight. Her mother (Joelle) takes care of her, but she needs to enhance her knowledge regarding infant’s nutrition. Moreover, her grandmother should also pay more attention to their nutrition to provide proper advice and support. Changing...

“Aloha” and “Man Up” Romantic Comedies

My Dear Friend, How are you? It has been a while since we talked. Since our last conversation I have been to the cinema a few times and I would like to tell you about two romantic comedies I have watched that, to my mind, you might find interesting. They...

Collective Customer Collaboration System Analysis

What are the advantages of the C3 system? The phenomenon of the Collective Customer Collaboration system (C3) on the supply chain performance of an organization can hardly be overrated (Ned, 2011). The concept in question helps simulate the multi-agent supply chain in the environment of the global market. According to...

Scientology Religious Beliefs, Rituals, Ethics

Introduction Scientology manifests the eight elements of religion in varying degrees. For example, the most conspicuous elements include a belief system, an ethical system, rituals, community, and material expressions of religion. Sacredness, central myths, and emotional experiences are almost non-existent. Their beliefs are based on the ability to use reason...

Concept of the Mid-Range Theory

Mary Ainsworth is a clinical psychologist who is most well-known for her contribution to developing the attachment theory. The focus of her research was early development attachment that a child may have with a primary caregiver. Her most cited contribution was the Strange Situation process, which was an assessment to...

Chapter 8 of “Criminology Today” by F. Schmalleger

How does the process of social interaction contribute to criminal behavior? The first part of Chapter 8 “Theories of Social Process and Social Development” is dedicated to social process theories, which assume that social interactions can contribute to criminal behavior. From this perspective, criminal behavior is not something that people...

Female Genital Mutilation: Moral Decay and Women’s Rights

Female genital mutilation is known as one of the most urgent issues connected to violation of human rights. FGM involves complete or partial removal of external sex organs of a woman (Abdulcadir & Say, 2015, p. 294). This dangerous practice is considered to be a ritual aimed at making women...

Fascism in Italy vs. Nazism in Germany

Why have historians of fascism paid so much attention to the Arditi, the Italian storm troopers of the First World War? “The first nucleus of the Fascist military organization can be seen in the personal bodyguard if unemployed arditi”, which Mussolini recruited to garrison the Popolo d’Italia” (Kallis 396). Moreover,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chip Manufacturer’s Production Specifications

What Are the Elements That the Production Manager Should Consider in Determining His Company’s Ability to Produce Chips That Meet Specifications? To identify the company’s ability to produce the chips of the designated size, the production manager should consider the data such as the p-value and the confidence coefficient. The...

Sexism and Gender: Culture and Conflict Reflection

Introduction The present statement is an example of gender-based discrimination and prejudice among women. Sexism and gender discrimination in America have a long and complicated history. Scott (2017) states that “Historically, women were underrepresented in the workplace, athletics and academics” (para. 3). Today, women have earned the right to work...

College Teacher’s Personality and Skills

The profession of a teacher is one of the most important in the world. In fact, teaching is a kind of art. A good teacher is not only knowledgeable in his or her field of study; he or she also has the excellent rhetorical skills, the ability to prepossess the...

Fooducate Weight Loss Coach for Obese Patients

Scenario Mr. Jasper is a 45-year-old male who has been diagnosed with hypertension. The doctor says that these health problems are caused by obesity. Taking into consideration the age of the patient, he still has chances to overcome his obesity and relieve the symptoms of hypertension. The patient’s weight is...

Ventria Bioscience and Plant-Made Medicines

Abstract Scott Deeter and Ventria operate a biotechnology firm in California. The firm wants to commercialize a pharmaceutical product, which uses an innovative technology. The technology utilizes genetically modified cereals to produce proteins used as pharmaceuticals. Currently, there are a number of problems faced by the firm. As such, the...

Leader-Member Exchange Theory and Transformational Leadership

The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership is often viewed as an entirely different methodology compared to other well-known approaches. A unique feature of this method is its focus on the actual interaction process between the frontrunner and followers, and in theory, it is often referred to as a dyadic...

Inventory Control in Fashion Clothing Production

The Fine Garments Company sells fashion clothing. The forecasted annual demand for their premium leather jacket is 2,000. The order-processing cost per order is $40, and the inventory holding cost is $35/item/year. How many leather jackets should they order in one shipment? Being a leader in the global market is...

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide Inc.’s Market

Market Structure The company, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide Incorporation, operates in the oligopolistic market structure. The company has unique operational strategies which can be equated to the ideals of oligopolistic strategies, characterised by few competitors dominating the global parks and resort business (Baumol & Blinder, 2011). Strong commitment...

Roche Diagnostics Middle East Firm’s Consumer Dissatisfaction

Project Proposal Student Name University Outline Introduction Integrated systems view on the issue Research approach and plan Project Proposal Poor reputation among consumers is a significant issue for any business because it can impact financial performance. Roche Diagnostics Middle East, located in Oman, has been experiencing a growth in consumer...

Latest Trends in Bioprinting

Bioprinting is a bioengineering process, in which Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) are used in biological fields such as creating artificial organs. Bioprinting is similar to 3D printing, as a 3D model is created by layer by layer deposition of certain material. Based on working principle, bioprinting can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Digital Media Product Placement at YouTube

Introduction: developing a major argument Distribution channels on the Internet serve as tools through which content creators discover channels to disseminate their creation. It is important to define the channels and virtual space that can allow the visitors and audience to receive the information (Boyd n. p.). Due to the...

The Problem of Women’s Discrimination

The problem of women’s discrimination in different spheres of social life can be effectively illustrated with references to the timeline, which presents significant events regarding gender equality. These events are the publication of Judith Sargent Murray’s On the Equality of the Sexes; the labor protest of 1834; Abby Kelley’s lectures...

“Paragraphs on Conceptual Art” by Sol LeWitt

Sol LeWitt was an American conceptual artist, an expert in his domain who held numerous exhibitions in museums and galleries, and wrote the “Paragraphs on Conceptual Art.” In those “Paragraphs” he wrote that “the idea becomes the machine that makes the art.” LeWitt saw this principle as a basis of...

Christian Doctrines and Church Attendance

Christianity as a religion has many faith groups and denominations which subscribe to various specific set of doctrines, based on various interpretations of the Bible. Quarles (2011) explains that there are fundamental Christian beliefs which are recognized and observed by almost all Christian faiths. The six main Christian doctrines that...

Employee Burnout and Vacation Length Relationship

Adopting a One-Sample T-Test Approach to an HR Issue: A Scenario Analysis What factors should the vice-president consider in determining the presence of employee burnout? In order to determine the workplace burnout rate among the staff members and identify whether a 1.4-week rest is enough for the staff to recover...

Human Nature Philosophy in the “Rashomon” Thriller

If you are not selfish you cannot survive In the world today, people have changed unlike in the past during the days of our ancestors. According to the stories we hear, in the past people lived together in harmony and as one big family. In those days everyone was concerned...

Samsung M620 Mobile Phone Evaluation

This evaluation attempts to describe Samsung M620, my current phone model. Effective communication is the main reason behind the introduction of cell phones. The improvements in technology have seen the introduction of cell phones that are multipurpose. The introduction of internet-enabled phones saved us a great deal since one can...

Finance Department and Its Responsibilities

As a division manager, how might the finance department help you to complete the duties of your job? The significance of the finance department cannot be overemphasized. Apart from the input of the skills that are required to steer a corporate body ahead, there is a need for finances to...

Crimes Against Property and Their Characteristics

To what extent are property offenders’ rational actors? Many people are convinced that property offenders are rarely guided by any logic or rationality. However, many of them are. The truth is the logic of such a person is not the same as the logic of an engineer or a mathematician,...

Abortion from Legal and Public Health Perspectives

Introductory Paragraph Thesis sentence: Abortion should be legalized to safeguard the health, reputation, and status of women in need of abortion services. Support for Thesis 1 Topic Sentence: Criminalizing abortion in many countries has led to unsafe abortion practices, which are a significant cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Detail...

Andrew’s Choice in Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

A war is something that may change human life considerably: it is not an army, where young people just learn to serve and complete certain duties; it is not a game, where everything is according to the already established rules; and it is not a movie, where a director may...

Indoor Smoking Ban: Study Methodology

The issue of whether or not the United States should pass a nationwide ban on indoor smoking is one that has managed to elicit a lot of debate. On the one hand, some support this move. Their stand is based on the obvious health risks that smoking in general, and...

Prison Life in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts

In the article “History from the inside out: Prison Life in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts”, Larry Goldsmith has attempted to provide a detailed history of prison life and prison system during the 19th century. In particular, he takes the case at Charleston, New York, as an example of how American prison system...

Six Sigma Phases and Lean Principles for Safety

Lean Leader’s Commitment to Safety It is a crucial aspect of any organization’s work to provide appropriate safety measures for its employees. As a lean leader, I realize my responsibility in this sphere and understand that I should demonstrate a personal commitment to safety in the company. While organizing safety...

Indiana’s Politicians and Their Parties

Representative Andre Carson, Senator Daniel Coats, and Senator Richard Lugar are among the most prominent persons in Indiana’s current politics. In the coming elections, the three leaders are faced with enormous challenges. The leaders are to seek support from the people of Indiana to be voted in as their representatives....

Integrating Data From Multiple Sources

Examples, where integrated data may help, inform the core business procedures of the larger organization A firm can use it’s Business Process Management (BPM) framework and service account from a Client Relationship Management (CRM) implementation can be integrated into a core data hub for one view of the client (Loshin,...

How “One Big Lie” Can Destroy Thousands of Lives?

Author’s Viewpoint According to the author, doing business needs honesty, and one should be as truthful as possible to build trust with the clients. In the Ponzi scheme, Bernie Madoff used to get money from investors by promising that they would get interested in their money. However, he would pay...

Education Gap in “A Tale of Two Schools” Video

Differences between the schools that leads to disadvantages in the education system as displayed in the video The video “A Tale of Two Schools” shows the boys from two different schools that have critical dissimilarities between each other. First of all, the first feature that catches the eye of the...

Departmentalization in American Elementary Schools

Nowadays, most of the US elementary schools adopt “a self-contained model” of education (Chang, Munoz, & Koshewa, 2008, p. 131). This model implies that the students are taught by the same teacher every day. Although the traditional generalist model is proved to be less stressful for the children and provides...

Organic Strawberry: Netnographic Research

Customer Reviews Fantastic product These are the best strawberries I have ever had, and I have ordered these for 5 years from different companies. They are bursting and mostly small whole strawberries. Can be eaten “as is” or made into pancakes. Can’t wait to share! I’m now on my second...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Employee Performance and Recognition Program

Introduction As indicated by David Pink (2010) employee performance is not always dependent on monetary rewards, rather, some of the most efficient drivers of employee performance are when employees are self directed, purpose driven and want to achieve a certain degree of mastery in what they do (Pink, 2010). In...

Honor: Traditional Meaning and Broader Definition

Introduction Our society rests on some basic ideas and notions that create the basis for its further rise and evolution. Such unique phenomena as pride, dignity, joy, devotion, etc. are an integral part of our everyday life. They appeared at the very first stages of the evolution of the human...

Patient Safety Competency of Nursing Education

Safety Competency of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Safety is a core Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competency. As a professional nurse, I regard safe care as one devoid of medical errors or harm to the patient and caregivers. In practice, safety is achieved through nursing process...

Teacher Impact on the Learning Process

Teaching languages is the matter of patience, persistence, and hard work. Only when you can see the result, one can enjoy the academic process. This is what my teacher has always told to me. “You never know when you realize the actual incentives for learning languages. But when you do,...

Purchasing Extra Equipment for Business Expansion

Scenario The owner of a small printing company is considering the purchase of additional printing equipment to expand her business. If the owner expands the business and sales are high, projected profits (minus the cost of the equipment) should be $90,000; if sales are low, projected profits should be $40,000....

Organizational Culture and Success Correlation

Viewed as the most leadership challenge, organizational culture poses great dilemmas due to presently less agreement on its concept, meaning, observation, and measurement techniques. Issues on its relationship with theories from traditional, industrial, and organizational psychology sectors are also not clear (Schein 110). Most of the researches conducted on culture...

Kimpton Hotels’ EarthCare Program

Abstract This paper includes responses to the questions about EarthCare Program launched by Kimpton Hotels. In particular, the company intends to implement policies that can improve its environmental footprint. This approach can reduce the operational costs of this company and attract clients. Nevertheless, one should also speak about the high...

Domestic Violence in Same/Opposite-Sex Relationships

Source Summary Prewriting Theme: Family Topic: Domestic violence Title: Counselors’ attitudes toward domestic violence in same-sex versus opposite-sex relationships. The title does not give any insight into what point of view is held by the authors. It looks as though Banks and Fedewa (2012) aim at comparing the attitudes of...

New Life and Stress Factors at High School

Stress is part of life. Each person experiences stress at one point in life. Stress is defined as a normal way through which the body responds to every undertaking to keep it balanced. Thus, in life change is inevitable and always causes one to be stressed. In fact, stress may...

Law Enforcement: Online Crimes and Social Media

Issue Facing Law Enforcement: Online Crimes and Social Media Today, the role of law enforcement and police is integral in society. In addition to the fact that many police officers and administrators aimed at protecting civilians and keeping order in the country, these people become solid examples of how to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Public Opinion as a Part of American Politics

Coherent society is characterized by an increased level of self-actualization, the great desire of people to be useful for their country, and their intention to change the existing state of affairs. People start to realize, that they are not just spectators, but are responsible for the future of their country...

Sociology. Analyzing Everyday Life: Doing Nothing

I chose to conduct my experiment at a mall in my home town. It was an ideal location for the experiment because so many people purchase their household goods from the mall. They also come there for recreation and the like. I knew that there was a very serious likelihood...

Art and Science of Project Management

Case Study Analysis: A Day in the Life Rachel’s Schedule Efficacy Being a project manager means addressing a range of issues related to planning, communication, and problem solving, which Rachel’s case is a graphic example of. A single look at Rachel’s schedule will show that she plans her day in...

A. Manson’s “Boy in Motion” Book’s Marketing Plan

Book Synopsis “Boy in Motion: Rick Hansen’s Story” by Ainslie Manson is a biography of Rick Hansen by the author Ainslie Manson. The book uses pictures to portray Hansen’s years as a child in B.C, Canada. The book highlights his almost obsessive love for the outdoors, and his love for...

Apple Inc.’s Innovation and Simplicity

The technology market is currently dominated by a number of companies. However, one particular company stands out the most with its minimalistic design and unique marketing strategy. Apple Inc. is a technology company, created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1967. The headquarters of the organization are currently situated...

Strutledge Art School’s Resource Allocation

What action would you recommend to the Board of Regents? It is essential for the Board of Regents to make sure that the resources used by the organization are allocated in a manner as reasonable and efficient as possible. Despite the fact that the introduction of the MBA program is...

Mobile Collaboration and Social Capital’s Role

There is no use denying the fact that nowadays mobile technologies play a very important role in the life and functioning of our society. Giving a lot of undeniable advantages and freedom to move and be supported with data, these devices, however, can be taken as a threat to peoples...

Human Resource Onboarding Program

An onboarding program refers to a strategy that organizations use to equip new recruits with requisite skills to enable them to discharge their duties without challenges. The primary objectives of this program are to assist new hires, especially recent graduates to familiarize with a company, minimize the time it takes...

Yusef Komunyakaa’s and Sylvia Plath’s Poems Comparison

Yusef Komunyakaa’s poem “Blackberries” and Sylvia Plath’s poem “Blackberrying” are two of the many poems that have utilized the theme of blackberry picking as a plot. Both poems belong to distinctly different eras of American History. Sylvia Plath is a confessional poet while Yusef Komunyakaa’s poem is deep-rooted in his...

RFID and Barcodes Comparison

The use of barcodes has become an indispensable part of the business world. Barcodes were developed and first used in the 1970s, and since then they have been widely used worldwide (Roberti, 2017). As for the RFID technology, it has been in place for 15 years, and only 5% of...

Business and Information Technology Strategies Alignment

Prompt Answers How can Cheryl Smith help managers at WestJet better understand the role of information technology in corporate strategy? As a newly appointed Chief Information Officer, one of Cheryl’s duties involves helping managers understand the role of information technology in corporate strategy. Namely, she should explain the interconnectedness between...

Case of the Killer Robot: Ethical and Legal Issues

The fictitious Case of the Killer Robot is the platform for determining ethical choices in designing machines. There is the major dilemma between the implementation of the program, machine or robot, and the ethics behind it. This paper is to assess the stakeholders’ points of view, facts, ethical and legal...

Market Shifts for Writing Freelancers in 2010

Despite the global economic recession, there remains at least one market where finding a job is a lot easier than elsewhere – freelancing over the Internet. Truly, freelancing has been subtly coming to dominate many industries. More and more people prefer complete independence rather than the tortures of office life...

In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do? by Charles Sheldon

It is not commonly known that popular W.W.J.D. bracelets and other products originated from the question phrased by the protagonist of Charles Sheldon’s book (Smallwood par. 2). However, this novel is remarkable not only for its commercial success and readers’ passionate interest in 1896. In His Steps is not a...

Genetically Modified Food Safety and Benefits

Arguments for and against GM Technology Currently, our world faces a major problem of the shortage of food supplies to feed its growing population. Although scientists have discovered a possible way of tackling this problem by the use of genetically modified foods, this development has been surrounded by several facts,...

Just Coffee Company and Its Competitor

Just Coffee has a profit margin of 26 percent while its main competitor has 52 percent. The companies sell their products at equal prices. However, the difference in the profit margins indicates that Just Coffee is at risk of losing, at least, a section of its market share to the...

The Colonial Foundations of Latin American

When Columbus discovered the Americas in 1492, European monarchies were fighting the Moorish menace successfully and experiencing a steady development of technologies, while the accumulation of wealth ensured a solid base and motivated Spain and Portugal to pursue new challenges. Latin America offered plenty of riches, populations to Christianize, and...

“A Simple Story” Novel by Elizabeth Inchbald

The first part of Inchbald’s “A Simple Story” is about Miss Milner who is left in the care of Mr. Dorriforth who was to act as her guardian. This is just after the demise of her father. Miss Milner develops lots of love for Mr. Dorriforth despite the fact that...

Microsoft Corporation Strategies

Is MS’s market share so massive that it can behave like a monopoly? Microsoft Corporation businesses are so massive that the company operates has a monopoly company. Based on the case study, Microsoft Corporation has expanded and diversified in the last few years. In the study, it is noted that...

Communication and Teamwork Hypotheses

Hypothesis 1: Individuals of the same educational background work better together than with diverse educational backgrounds. To address the hypothesis, it is necessary to define the key elements of the correlation. More specifically, it is needed to conceptualise “better working together.” The notion may encompass a variety of things, including...

Definition of Psychological Terms and Creating Sentences

Deafness This can be described as a condition whereby an individual suffers from partial or permanent loss of hearing. Some scholars define deafness as a condition that results from hearing impairment due to an infection called otitis media (Friend, 2011). Deafness can also be defined as a condition that entails...

Nintendo Company’s Strategic Management

Introduction Nintendo is a Japan based Company founded in the 20th century by Fusajiro Yamauchi. This company specializes in the making of video games. An Analysis of the company Although this company had at first been founded to make playing cards, its innovation and excellent leadership has helped it become...

Changes in American Schools and Society

Have American Schools Changed Society, or does Society Change Schools? Looking back at the history of American education, which is inseparable from the political, economic, and cultural history of the country, it becomes evident that the influence of the society and schools has always been reciprocal, yet, not always balanced....

Afro-American Women’s Higher Education Barriers

Introduction Although the number of African American women who have access to higher education increases annually, the problem is still that these females face certain barriers while obtaining the education. These barriers can include bias, stereotyping, exclusion, isolation, and the lack of support among others (Szymanski & Lewis, 2016). As...

Industrial Capitalists in the American History

Robber Barons were known as rather self-centered and even cruel industrial capitalists, who had the purpose to get the necessary personal fortune using quit the unfair business. It was not difficult for them to forget about people’s interests to be satisfied and become wealthier. Industrial capitalists of the late 19th...

Professor Freeman About Ethics and Profits

In the interview under consideration, Professor Freeman evaluates the idea of ethics and profits and the necessity to unite these two concepts all the time. The interviewer, Ali Moore, asks the most crucial questions in the business world: whether ethics and profits have to make together, whether it is possible...

Biases Against Female African American Researchers

Qualitative studies equip researchers with a valuable bulk of knowledge on various aspects of human life. At the same time, this kind of research is often associated with a considerable degree of bias due to its interpretive nature (Christensen & Brumfield, 2010). Although researchers try to remain as neutral as...

African-Centered Psychology for Single Mothers

The proposed study will have theoretical implications for psychology because it will allow for developing a better understanding of single African American mothers’ experience of their relationships with their sons. According to Doody and Noonan (2013), theories such as black psychology theory and general system theory will be utilized to...

Ethical Philosophy: Right and Wrong’s Distinction

The definitions of right and wrong are a fluid subject. Over the course of history and the evolution of human ethics, the concept has undergone significant changes. Many religions around the world are thousands of years old. They have participated in the formation of the society as we know it...

Thom Rainer’ Views on Religion

What myth about the Unchurched surprised you the most? How will your new knowledge about characteristics of the Unchurched affect your ministry? The author introduces nine powerful myths about the unchurched people and their attitudes to churches, leaders, and insights offered. Each myth is a unique approach to the understanding...

Popular Research Paper Topics

China Trade Barriers and Their Economic Effects

Based on the Chinese government’s standpoint, is it logical to impose the trade barrier? China is one of the most promising markets and it can affect the development of the global market. Palmer (2010) notes that the USA as well as other countries express their concerns as to China’s policies...

Labor-Management Relations and Human Resources

Human resources (HR) theorists assert that organizations and labor unions must work together if they want to prosper in the changing global environment. Cooperative bargaining is an approach whereby union leaders liaise with topmost leaders to improve relations and maximize productivity. The process minimizes differences and empowers workers to focus...

Value of Education: Adam Smith vs. John Dewey

Creating the environment in which people can acquire essential knowledge and skills is crucial to the development of a well-functioning and successful society. Therefore, it is imperative to design the system of education that compels people to work on their academic and professional growth, focusing on the enhancement of their...

Alzheimer’s Patient Safety Improvement Strategies

Problem Introduction Alzheimer’s is a clinical condition that affects the wellbeing of many people above the age of 50. Smebye, Kirkevold, and Engedal (2016) indicate that Alzheimer’s is one of the common types of condition dementia. This mental condition affects the life outcomes and experiences of the patients. Within the...

Professional Networking: Advantages and Disadvantages

Available literature demonstrates that the use of online professional networking comes with obvious advantages, particularly in this era where many professionals and businesses rely on information and communication technologies not only to communicate but also to conduct business. The foremost advantage of online professional networking is that it can enhance...

Vincent Van Gogh and Salvador Dali Comparison

Introduction When it comes to analyzing historical personalities, it is easier to approach those whose contribution can be measured by the economic and political impact their activities produced on contemporaries. The picture is quite different from people of art as there are no objective parameters that determine why one master...

Naturalists and Their Environmental Experiences

Early naturalists often shot what they were studying. Is this a contradiction for naturalists or a scientific method of the times? It is such a pity that Swifts suffered such a fate in the hands of those who should have been the campaigners of conservation. Naturalists are, by description, friends...

American Exceptionalism and Nation

Introduction A nation is a community characterized by two qualities – its limits and sovereignty. Both qualities usually have official and legal definitions for each particular nation. Also, these qualities, as well as other characteristics of a nation can be its internally perceived and promoted features. Specifically, the American nation...

Picasso Black and White Exhibition in Guggenheim Museum

Having visited the Picasso Black and White exhibition in the Guggenheim Museum in New York, I understood how the architecture of a building may affect the perception of the pieces of art. To begin with, I would like to say that the Guggenheim Museum in New York is a modern...

Sexuality in “The Storm” Story by Kate Chopin

Introduction Kate Chopin wrote The Storm which is a short story in eighteen ninety-eight. The story was however published in nineteen sixty long after she died. The author based the story in Louisiana where the two main actors are Calixta and Alcee. Most of Calixta’s neighbors are of the Catholic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Public Administration Studies and Its Role in the US

Citing the text, discuss the rationale behind creating a separate discipline of public administration and the creation of graduate schools of public policy For years, public administration has been considered a sub-field in the political science discipline. However, scholars observe that it should be made a disciple because of various...

“Prince Among Slaves” Historical Documentary

Prince Among Slaves is an award-winning documentary that was broadcasted on PBS. It is based on a biography book by professor Terry Alford. It tells the unique story of an African Muslim prince Abdul Rahman Ibrahima, as he experienced the horrors of slavery in the late 1700s. The documentary and...

International Trade Theory: Hill’s Book Summary

Chapter summaries This chapter begins by giving a brief overview of the benefits of international trade through the examination of the garment industry in Bangladesh. This chapter has also evaluated several theories that outline the advantages of a country engaging in international trade and the model of international trade experience...

Behind the War on Drugs

According to Eugine Jarecki (2015), the war on drugs has not been properly fought. He believes that the government has ended up aggravating the problem when it was expected to be solving the problem. His film, The House I Live in, exposes issues that have led to the prevalence in...

Non-Literal Language Understanding: Sally-Anne Task

Before getting down to explaining why autistic children typically have difficulties in an understanding of non-literal language such as metaphor and irony utilizing the Sally-Anne task/test, the main idea of this test is to be considered. Sally-Anne task/test is the ability to recognize the false beliefs in others (Gehring, Debry...

Empowerment and Delegation as Management Tools

Empowerment and delegation are management tools that are widely used by top managers in order to achieve specific goals of an institute or an organization. Although both empowerment and delegation deal with employee management, they differ from each other. Empowerment is a tool that managers use to transfer the power...

Bank Loan Manager: Job Analysis and Recruitment

The job under analysis is called Bank Loan Manager. This job was chosen for the analysis in this paper because I have a close friend who works as a bank loan manager. In my opinion, this is a rather profitable and respectable job, and its popularity and prestige have been...

Happiness, Its Components and Main Aspects

Happiness has always been one of the central conceptions that impacted peoples lives, their motifs, actions, and desires. However, the meaning of this idea has always been different depending on peculiarities of the epoch, dominant values, and peoples perspectives on their achievements and goals. The complexity of this phenomenon is...

“Captivating Cultures: The Politics of Exhibiting” by Hall

Hall Reflection Part 4 of Chapter 3 of the book by Hall is titled “Captivating cultures: the politics of exhibiting” (184). It revolves around the concepts of knowledge and power and describes ways in which the former becomes the latter in the context of colonialism. People nowadays are used to...

Leadership in Culture and Organizational Change

Introduction Leadership is a cornerstone for consistent profit production in both governmental and non-governmental organizations across the globe. Leaders with good interpersonal skills and innovative talents can initiate and propagate changes to meet both the customers’ demands and organizational goals. Despite having a good leadership, the institution involved should have...

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JDA Software Company’s Services

Sustainable distribution practices, particularly the management of carbon emissions, have become increasingly important. What role have channel captains such as Wal-Mart played in this process? In the case under consideration, JDA Software is the company that demonstrates good results in developing services in such fields as manufacturing, retailing, wholesale distribution,...

Child Abuse: Physical, Emotional, Social Effects

The effect of child abuse and abandonment is repeatedly debated in regards to physical, emotional, interactive, and social significances. In real life, though, it is impossible to isolate the categories of influences (Kolk, 2011). Physical outcomes, such as harm to a kid’s developing brain, can have psychosomatic consequences, such as...

“Closer” Drama Film by Mike Nichols

Lead Actors Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Clive Owen. Plot The story is about four young people: Alice, Dan, Anna, and Larry. Alice and Dan met crossing the road. It was love at first sight, and they lived happily after for one year. A year later, Dan becomes a...

Barilla Company’s Distribution Strategy

Making distribution decisions does not only involve data about the rate of products’ selling out; it also depends on forecasting future sales patterns on the basis of new marketing campaigns. The company should always be prepared for either expected or unexpected boosts in customers’ interest to Barilla’s products, so it...

Witness Effects in Emergency Situations

History has seen many examples of the bystander effect, a phenomenon that stops people from helping others in an emergency. It is important to understand the nature of this phenomenon and the factors that attribute to its occurrence to reverse it and minimize casualties. Social psychologists conducted numerous studies to...

Animal Experimentation: Arguments For and Against

Science is very important in society because it is through it that different discoveries are made. Scientific methods for instance are used to discover a medicine to cure different diseases and come up with innovations that improve the lives of human beings (Brundage and Michael 10). In the field of...

Nike Company and United Airlines: Strategic Management

Analysis of Nike manufacturer’s strategic management Nike is a key player in the manufacturing of the sports gear of all manners. The company’s name is borrowed from the Greek god of victory. In order for the company to be successful in the market and acclaim its name in this facet...

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal and Business Ethics

Summary of the Situation On September 18, 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency made a notice of violation addressed to the company of Volkswagen (Environmental Protection Agency, “Notices of Violations: Volkswagen” par. 1). The Agency accused the German car manufacturer of breaking the American car emission standards. It was found...

Project Manager’s Leadership Qualities for Success

Introduction Management refers to the process of arranging, establishing, leading and regulating the business resources including efforts of the organizational members to achieve the ultimate goals in an organization. In the analysis of system development, management skills are required to meet the goals and objectives of an organization. Some of...

The Political Economy of International Trade

The chapter focuses on international trade and how most governments usually view free trade as ideal but may interfere with the trading for political and economic reasons. The instruments used by governments to regulate trade include; tariffs, subsidies on goods, import quotas on goods and services, voluntarily restraining some exports,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Billing System of a Sole Company Owner

Assessment Having considered the billing system of Mr. Smith, a therapist and a sole proprietor, it should be stated that it is rather effective and consequent. It may be a good basis for making the whole billing process personally, without using the services of the billing company and pay the...

Physical Cleansing Affects Risk-Taking Behavior

What interested you in this journal article? How did you go about finding the article? I was going through the various online psychology academic journals, trying to find out which ones had more material relevant to my course, and in the process, I came across the article titled Washing away...

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Aspirin

Organs Damaged by Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) The greatest negative effect of NSAIDs is produced on the liver and kidneys. The most common NSAIDs-related negative outcome on the kidneys is fluid retention (Woo, 2016). The explanation of this occurrence is that NSAID metabolites are excreted chiefly by the kidneys. That...

Providing Patients with Quality Care

Student 1 Perspective The contemporary medical industry is aimed at providing patients with high-quality care. However, it appears clear that it is impossible to organize health care services in a way that would allow for 100% efficiency. Of course, this leads to lower quality care and the dissatisfaction of clients....

Financial Concept Map in Nurse Manager’s Interview

The figure below illustrates a financial concept map that has been designed on the basis of an interview with a nurse manager. As it might be seen in the figure above, a nurse manager carries out four major functions: planning and development, monitoring, reporting, and communication. As such, first and...

Healthcare System: Transgender Patients Discrimination

According to the statistics, almost 1 million Americans identifies themselves as transgender, making it a numerous population subgroup that is likely to expand in the future. At the same time, transgender people face an enormous amount of discrimination in our society. They are much more likely to fall victim to...

Listening and Understanding in Business Communication

The article Listening and Understanding written by Rogers Carl and Roethlisberger provides extremely significant guidelines required for effective communication. The authors argue that “good communication or free communication between or within people is always therapeutic” (Rogers & Roethlisberger, 1991, p.106). The authors further argue that people’s ability to evaluate is...

Just for FEET Inc: Harold Ruttenberg and His Business

Briefly summarize the key events surrounding the case The key events surrounding the case of Just for FEET Inc. include the beginning of the career by Harold Ruttenberg when an entrepreneur from South Africa had to move into the United States and start his business over again after making an...

“Young Sailor II” Painting by Henri Matisse

Introduction Henri Matisse has finished painting Young Sailor II in 1906. It is a portrait 40 inches tall and 32 inches wide, done in Matisse’s famous Fauves style. The subject of the portrait is a young man, wearing traditional fisherman’s clothes. The young man sits sideways on a chair against...

The Complexity of Human Communication

What communication behaviors were most revealing or important? Aggressive behavior was demonstrated in the party by Sam’s mother. She overlooked other people’s feelings in the party by her dressing, choice of words and denying her husband the freedom of interacting with Sam’s professor. From this behavior it can be asserted...

Gifted and Talented Students

Existence of Gifted Programs Gifted programs have over the years been helpful and beneficial to students who have been enrolled in it. These programs should exist and the money allocated to cater for the programs should be provided. Talent and gifting is part and parcel of our lives and academic...

Broadcast Effect of H. Wells’s “War of the Worlds”

The power of words should never be underestimated. The particular style of the presentation of information may wring some secret chords in one’s heart. One of the most vivid examples of the way words and the impressive story may influence the behavior of many people is the story of the...

Human Becoming Theory in Patient-Nurse Relationships

The theory of human becoming was developed at the end of the 20th century. The theory places the major stress on patients’ quality of life as well as relationships between nurses and patients. The medical and biological aspects are not the priority. One of the central assumptions of this theory...

Microsoft Corporation’s Case Analysis

Is MS’s market share so massive that it can behave like a monopoly? According to the case study, Microsoft’s world market share is so massive that the company behaves like a monopoly firm. The article indicates that Microsoft manages 90 % of all operating systems installed on computers. Similarly, the...

Prophylactic Mastectomy Research Implementation

What change in practice do you intend to implement? Progress in genetic studies has raised discussions concerning the necessity of introducing prophylactic mastectomy for preventing breast cancer and reducing the death rates among women from 18 to 40. This age category is under specific focus because these women having a...

Waste Management and Recycling in Poor Communities

Environmental justice concerns: The location of hazardous waste facilities in poor communities The research title of the study is made purposely to explore hazardous waste facilities the poor communities face through investigating or examining the disposal of both solid and liquid wastes and their related impacts on the environment. The...

Leaders Influence on Organization

How do your organization’s leaders influence your organization’s culture? How does the leadership of your organization achieve organizational goals? The leaders at my place of work have adopted various strategies that aim at transforming the organization’s culture and achieve relevant organizational values. The organization has established various programs in which...

Patients With Lower Back Pain

I agree with all red flags discussed by Aimee and would like to add that any history of trauma could help determine whether the patient has a strain or a sprain or a more severe condition. Urinary incontinence can be present relatively often in patients with lower back pain, especially...

“Perspectives on Psychology” Documentary

Nowadays, many attempts are made to understand human behavior and clarify the main aspects of psychology. The evaluation of psychological factors that may affect behavior is the main topic of the movie under analysis. Psychology is an academic discipline that is primarily represented in the film Perspectives on Psychology. Its...

Racism in the Contemporary America

In what ways does racism affect diversity Racism is a preferential behavior and attitude towards a specific race that makes it out to be superior to other races. Usually some form of violation, physical or mental is practiced towards a certain race. Historically, a dominant group or majority of population...

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Energy Consumption and Ecosystem Restoration

The effects of projected energy consumption on world politics and economics What must first be understood is that population density as well as the industrial infrastructure within a given country directly affects the consumption of electricity. The greater the population density within a country the higher the likelihood is of...

External Factors Affecting Pepsi in the Middle East

Introduction Pepsi is among the top food and beverage companies in the world. With its headquarters in New York, the company is heavily involved in the manufacturing and selling of different brands of beverages and foods. While expansion into foreign markets has presented the company with a wider customer base,...

Online Shopping: Buying Sport Footwear

Being a consumer, I want to get products I need at fair prices. People often become loyal to certain brands as they like the quality provided (Parker, 2012). If I am looking for a particular brand, I will be quite determined to find it, especially when it comes to athletic...

Food Labeling Changes in the United States

What are the pros and cons of setting the new serving size of a food product on food labels? The new FDA proposal to change the serving size of packaged food has its advantages and drawbacks. It would be convenient for consumers to have realistic information regarding nutrients at their...

Wikipedia Website’s Structure and Features

Abstract Wikipedia is currently the largest collaborative source of knowledge about different things and subjects. This paper provides a brief review of Wikipedia’s structure and purpose, its overall “look and feels”, its target audience, and the most useful technical and information features. The value and implications of Wikipedia for information...

Conducting a Meta-Analysis in Nursing

Introduction Meta-analyses have become common in nursing and medical fields because they make it easier for scholars to combine and analyze results from different studies. The statistical analysis of various results is capable of delivering integrated findings. Since different studies might be unable to offer a conclusive concept or treatment,...

Children Assessment and Interviewing Specifics

It has been established that working with children requires specific assessment and interview techniques that differ from those employed with adults. It is true for multiple disciplines, including psychiatry (Smith & Handler, 2015), which is my specialty. At the same time, successful, accurate assessment is required for successfully establishing the...

“Uncovering the Sickness Industry” Documentary

Summary of the movie “Uncovering the sickness industry” The documentary movies are called “Uncovering the sickness industry” by foodmasterstv. It has the main theme of the effects of what human beings eat on their health. The movie elaborates on the effects different foods have on human health and the negative...

Drug Abuse Treatment in Nursing

Presentation Jenny G., a 48-year-old recovering IV drug abuser, presents with general malaise, anorexia, abdominal pain, and slight jaundice. She is currently staying in a women’s shelter and looking for a job. She is divorced, with two grown children whom she hasn’t been in contact with for years. CC: “When...

Biofuels and Fossil Fuels as Alternative Energy

Biofuels Every organism requires energy to function (Concepts of Biology, n.d.). The technological inventions made throughout history require energy as well. In the era of advances and improvements, the life of every individual becomes more comfortable; however, the environment suffers. Nowadays, the vast majority of people have a car, and...